Heavenly Hacked (Reckless Bastards MC 5) - Page 27

“Fucking mouth,” I growled, strokes coming faster and deeper and then her name was on my lips as I shot my load onto her tongue and into her throat. My body jerked violently and Vivi, the little tease, didn’t let up at all. Her tongue and lips kept up a steady torture until every last aftershock left my body.

“That mouth of yours is trouble in more ways than one,” I said on a chuckle.

She laughed and released me with a pop. “I didn’t hear any complaints.”

“Fuck no and you won’t. Now I know the perfect way to shut you up.” Before she could take another breath, I switched our position so my hips and my cock were cradled between her thighs.

Vivi’s creamy legs tightened around my waist. “Are you here for decoration or purpose?”

“Yes,” I told her, fisting my cock in my hand and pumping it twice before I pushed into her. “Fuck you’re always so fucking wet.”

“You might have something to do with that,” she purred back, pussy already fluttering with greed around me. My cock wasn’t fully erect yet, but her pussy dripped between us and he was almost there. She let out a sexy little gasp and I sank deep. Nine inches deep and growing hard as fuck. “Jag,” she moaned and swirled her hips. “More. Fuck me,” she whispered.

My control snapped at her words, her gritty command and I grabbed her ankles, placing them on my shoulders so I could sink even deeper into her hot, waiting body. My hips took on a mind of their own, pounding with a blind devotion I couldn’t describe.

“Jag, yes! Oh fuck yeah,” she shouted. “Please,” she said, gripping me close even while she tried to crawl away from me, and what a fucking heady feeling that was. Vivi’s walls clamped down hard at first, a jarringly violent motion that turned into tiny flutters that vibrated all around my cock while I mindlessly pounded into her.

Her body flooded with moisture and I fucked her harder, hypnotized by the way her creamy tits bounced with every stroke. And then another orgasm crashed over her, milking me until I was bone dry. Her name was on my lips once again as I emptied myself into her.

“Fuck, Vivi.” I collapsed on top of her, chest heaving but I couldn’t move away. She smelled too good and she felt too damn good.

Her laughter echoed in the room. “Gimme a few minutes and I will.”

Her words made me grin and I rolled off her, pulling her close and we fell asleep with our bodies still intertwined.

Chapter Fourteen


“Un-fucking-believable!” Not only wasn’t the good Governor keeping a low profile while he had people trying to kill me, but the asshole was planning a big fucking fundraiser. Here in Las Vegas at some hotel owned by a rich and handsome one percenter. At twenty-five grand a plate it wasn’t worth attending just to get up in his grill, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t still fuck with him. I brewed a full pot of coffee in Jag’s kitchen and began working on my plan.

Vengeance, if nothing else, would be my final act.

But before any of that could happen it was time to shit or get off the proverbial pot. A disgusting phrase I’d always hated until that alert sounded on my phone. If I was going to be brave enough to go balls to the wall against a sitting governor or a crazed gangster, then I needed to decide who I could trust and who I couldn’t. Starting with Jag.

If I decided he wasn’t on the up and up with me, then I needed to walk away. Forget him. If I chose to put my faith in him, then I had to trust him fully. With everything. And I had to be absolutely certain that trust wasn’t based on the fact that he was dicking me good whenever he got the chance. And the dick was good, amazing even, so I had to make this decision with a clear head. Logic and reason were my friends and they said Jag could help me with his tech and badass military biker skills. And if I was wrong, well I was dead anyway, wasn’t I?

But a pot of coffee and a long hot shower later, I had my answer and I was resolute. In my decision, if not execution.

“I was wondering if you were hiding or avoiding me?”

I turned from my computer to see him draped casually against the doorjamb like some Nubian god. Way to disrupt my concentration, Jag. “Avoiding you? Didn’t I just spend all night wrapped around you and sucking you off?”

Even trying to play it casual had my body responding to the memories of Jag in my mouth, my pussy. His big hands all over my body.

“You were up there for a long time, especially considering you killed an entire pot of coffee.” For emphasis he held up the coffee pot with maybe a swallow of brown liquid in it and swirled it around, but my attention was on his smooth mahogany skin. Other than one puckered scar low on the right side of his back, his skin was so smooth it looked liquid. Lickable.

“You want me to make another pot for you?”

He turned, one eyebrow arched in that cocky way that made me want to smack him or kiss him. Maybe both. “No. I’m fine.”

“You hungry?”

“If you can put some warm butter and maple syrup together, I’ll pretend I’m starved.”

Jag turned with a proud smile. “Well you did get quite the cardio workout last night.”

I took a seat at the kitchen table and crossed my legs. “Don’t you have a job to go to?” Yeah, I was stalling but I had a plan. Sort of.

Tags: K.B. Winters Reckless Bastards MC Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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