Heavenly Hacked (Reckless Bastards MC 5) - Page 35

“We don’t know, okay? Boss man said—”

“Boss man, who? White Boy Craig?”

“No, Vigo sent us.”

I looked up and both Max and Savior were scowling. “To kill us?”

“No. To make a grab for whatever’s in the van.”

“Piece of shit!” Savior yelled at the kid, who I could see now was just that, a kid. Probably not even a full fucking club member yet. I stood and held Savior back. “What the fuck Jag, he just—”

“He just told us exactly what we needed to know.” Vigo wasn’t looking to kill us, not yet anyway. He wanted to make us do something stupid so the feds could step in and freeze our cash, maybe hand out a few promotions afterward. That wouldn’t happen, not on my fucking watch. “Let’s get out of here.”

“And leave them? You fuckin’ nuts, man?”

Yeah, I was nuts. I turned to the kid, still writhing on the ground. “Tell Rizzoli he better watch his fucking back!” We all walked away and took off down the road, eager to check on our Prez and our guns.

“What the hell was that?” Savior’s voice was accusatory when we got back to the clubhouse. “We should’ve fucking killed those fuckers!” He got in my face like he always did, assuming because I wasn’t always a loud mouth like him that I was a pushover.

“Some problems require you to use your brain man, not your fists.” I could feel Cross’s gaze on me, but I didn’t turn to him. This was about Savior and him trusting that he wasn’t the only guy in the room who could handle shit. “Vigo wants to test us, make us do something stupid but now we know he’s still working with the feds.”

“This kumbaya shit won’t cut it, Jag.”

I laughed. “Said the guy who was just bitching that a war with Roadkill might interfere with getting laid by his new girlfriend.”

“Watch your mouth, mother fucker!” Savior yelled.

“Or what?” My chest puffed out, daring my brother to pick a fight with me.

“Or I’ll have to watch it for you.” Savior was spoiling for a fight and that made me wonder what else was going on in his life.

“If you plan to watch my mouth, I better get some more lip balm.” I smacked my lips together and Savior smiled.

“Asshole. We should have kicked his fuckin’ ass!”

My lips parted in a smile. “You might just get your chance, man. Relax.”

Easy for him to say when Mandy worked in one of the most secure locations in the whole damn city.

“I’m about to, Jag. Got a whole new shipment of guns to play with. Wanna come?”

“No can do, gotta go make sure Lasso and Vivi are still alive.” They would be. I was sure of it.

I hoped.

Chapter Eighteen


You don’t know who you’re messing with.

That was all the anonymous text message said. If it was meant to scare me, it failed spectacularly in pointing out the obvious. I didn’t know, not yet, but I had a pretty good idea who it was. If scaring me was the goal, then I was being chased by the stupidest criminal on the planet.

“I have a pretty good idea,” I said out loud as I deleted the message, but not before checking out the metadata to confirm it was routed through an anonymous third party carrier, which meant it couldn’t be traced. Not without a court order.

The asshole had to be Blaise because Rizzoli had his plate full at the moment. The other asshole, Rizzoli, not the governor, had attacked Jag and his guys on their way back from wherever they’d gone. Though Jag didn’t say it, the move had shaken all of them. Hell, it had shaken me too. Made me realize just how dangerous life could be with a motorcycle club in your orbit.

Too bad I had plans for Rizzoli. Plans to fuck up his whole world and then shit all over it. “That’s entirely too much damn thinking before the alarm goes off.” Jag’s thick arms wrapped around my waist, his hot hands roaming the expanse of my skin until I shivered.

Tags: K.B. Winters Reckless Bastards MC Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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