Heavenly Hacked (Reckless Bastards MC 5) - Page 46

Vivi might have been a little crazy, but she was trustworthy. Four long minutes later White Boy Craig’s phone chimed and then the rest of them. He frowned at the phone, flipping through pages of shit that had me wondering just what Vivi had sent.

“This is for real? Vigo’s workin’ with the fuckin’ Feds?”

Cross nodded, his expression more solemn because more than any of the rest of us, he knew exactly what Craig was feeling now.

Cross said cool as ice, “You need the fucking emails too?”

“Naw, I got ’em,” he snarled and held up his phone. “Fuck, bank records too?”

It was the first I heard of them and that made me wonder what Vivi had done.

“You’re welcome.” Cross stood with his arms folded over his chest, a stoic expression on his face. He wasn’t offering a kindness to Craig, just giving him the information to prove what kind of leader he was. If Vigo made it out of this alive, we would decimate Roadkill MC in less than a year. If he did what he needed to do, White Boy Craig might live long enough to turn his shitty club around.

Craig spit out, “This isn’t over.”

Cross answered, “You’re goddamn right it ain’t over. You assholes torched our weed and fucked up our whorehouse. When you get your house in order White Boy, we’ll be ready for you. For now, get the fuck off my property.”

We all stood and watched Roadkill MC hurry to their bikes, eager to get away from us but probably more eager to confront Vigo. Cross walked over to me and clapped me on the back. “Your girl came through for us.”

I didn’t bother telling him that she hadn’t done a goddamn thing for the club.

“Yeah,” was all I said in response. I needed to see Vivi. She was the only one I wanted to see right now.

“I’m serious. Did you see that shit she sent? Not only did she drain all the accounts but one, she also made it look like he was getting regular payments from the FBI.”

Cross flashed a shit eating grin, so proud of some shit he had nothing to do with.

“He probably was,” I said, trying to keep my attitude in check.

“She’s all right,” Gunnar agreed. And as every one of my brothers nodded with wide, shit eating grins, I felt nothing but disgust. “Yeah, well it would’ve been nice if you fuckers could have seen that before she saved your asses.”

My gaze connected with Lasso, who flashed a sympathetic smile and nodded for me to go get my girl.

I couldn’t fucking wait.

Only when I got to the camper, Vivi wasn’t there.

Chapter Twenty-Two


I woke up early Friday morning mostly because I’d barely slept one fucking wink. Anxiety bubbled up in my belly all night making it hard to close my eyes, never mind to sleep. My mind raced with all the possibilities of what could go wrong. Foremost was that no one would believe it. Blaise and his followers had an impressive knack for ignoring facts that didn’t fit their preconceived beliefs.

Luckily for me there would be just enough press at the event to matter.


I took a quick shower, careful not to disturb Jag, although I was pretty sure he’d been awake for at least an hour based on his breathing. Either way he was giving me my space and I appreciated it. I didn’t want to spend my last few hours with Jag fighting and neither did he, so he didn’t ask me about my plans and I didn’t offer up anything.

I tugged a blonde wig styled into a bob over my head, tucking in all the loose ends and popped in non-prescription blue contacts. A last glance in the mirror before I snuck out assured me I looked like a completely different person. Off to meet my accomplice.

“Damn girl, you look muy caliente!” Rocky was a crazy ass chick who I would be sad to say goodbye to, which would be just a few minutes after she helped me get ready for the big overpriced political ass-kissing contest.

“How are you so chipper this time of morning? I asked, my eyes popping at her cheery smile. “It’s unnatural.”

She rubbed her belly, skin glowing like it was radioactive. “Morning? Is it morning? This little bugger has been doing backflips and half-time routines on my bladder since midnight. This is noon for me, which is why we’re stopping to grab some lunch.”

Luckily this town never slept, not ever, which meant we could get anything from sushi to hamburgers or tacos any time. Day or night. “Wouldn’t that technically be breakfast?”

Tags: K.B. Winters Reckless Bastards MC Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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