Deliciously Damaged (Reckless Bastards MC 3) - Page 5

Max hadn’t known Ammo all that well, because he’d been recalled to the Army and wasn’t around all that much.

“Shit, bro. That’s rough.”

“Tell me about it.” I rolled my eyes. “Anyway, I need to clear my head so I’ll stick around here. Go convince your woman to take care of all the wedding shit.”

“All right. Thanks you crazy bastard,” he said, waving as he walked away.

“Hey asshole, that’s Reckless Bastard to you!” I laughed, feeling a little better than I did before I unleashed hundreds of bullets on that paper target.



I gave Mandy the weekend to calm down before I decided to approach her and offer up an apology she might actually listen to. Hopefully. My first stop was the restaurant where she worked. Knead was an elegant, great-looking place that specialized in pastries and other sweet treats. The perky hostess told me she’d already left for the day. I had no idea where she lived since she’d already sold the house she and Ammo had lived in for most of their lives.

I crossed the parking lot back to my bike when I spotted Mandy and two rough looking dudes walking after her a little faster than I liked. I turned and started in her direction, picking up speed when one of the guys started talking to her.

“We’re trying to be nice about this, Mandy. What a sweet name that is,” he said, licking his lips and reaching for her, laughing when she smacked his hand away.

“You’ll never know.”

I smiled, proud of how she handled herself even though I couldn’t hear most of what was being said. I could see it, though and the conversation was heated. Tense.

Both guys moved in closer, trying to intimidate Mandy and failing. She was tough, but guys like that got off on fear and they would do anything to make sure she was afraid. One of them, the shorter one, pulled back his hand to strike her. “Just agree to this one little job and we’ll leave you alone.”

I had the element of surprise as I grabbed the asshole’s wrist. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” My voice was a low, menacing growl as the asshole turned and grinned.

“This has nothing to do with you, fucker. Step away.”

Even Mandy glared at me. “It doesn’t,” she confirmed coldly but I didn’t move. And I wouldn’t until they were gone, and she was safe.

The taller one took a step closer and leaned forward until he and Mandy were eye to eye. “Next time we see you, we won’t be so nice about it. And we won’t be asking.”

I had no clue what the fuck they were talking about and I knew Mandy wouldn’t let on, so I waited. Ready to have her back because I knew she’d never ask for help. Hitching her bag higher on her shoulder, I noticed she had a large key poking between her middle and forefingers.

“And next time I see you, I’ll shoot first and ask questions later. So run along boys.”

She made a shooing motion, watching them until they were far enough away she could turn without danger.

I was right behind her, ready to talk. “I don’t suppose you want to tell me what that was about?”

“Nope, I don’t. And I don’t need your help. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”

“No one said otherwise,” I told her, working hard to tamp down my frustration at how pigheaded she was being. “When the hell did you become so stubborn?”

She pulled open the door and tossed her bag over to the passenger seat before turning to me. “What is it that you wanted, Savior?”

“I was hoping we could talk. Actually, I want to talk to you, Mandy. I owe you an apology.”

“No you don’t, and I don’t want one. See you around, dude,” she said in a tone that indicated she hoped she wouldn’t ever see me again. Even still, I jogged back to my bike and followed her home from a safe distance, just to make sure she didn’t have any other visitors or unwelcome guests. At least that was what I told myself. I refused to believe it had to do with the memories of our night together that I couldn’t shake.

Not that my reasons mattered when Mandy couldn’t even stand to be around me for more than a few minutes. I couldn’t go there. Hell, I wouldn’t. Not again.

But what I could do, was keep an eye out for her. Keep her safe because we all owed Ammo—and her—that much.

Chapter 3


Tags: K.B. Winters Reckless Bastards MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024