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Deliciously Damaged (Reckless Bastards MC 3)

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Some people were suckers at weddings. They got all sappy and misty-eyed as the bride walked down the aisle, love shining in her

eyes as she made her way to the man who could see nothing but her. Here, among battle scarred bikers and chicks with more than their fair share of issues, the romantics stood out. Surprisingly, Mandy wasn’t one of them. She wore a pretty smile and she seemed genuinely happy for them, but not longing for what they had.

I wasn’t ashamed to admit that I felt some relief at that. Having the girl you’re sleeping with getting moon-eyed and sappy at a wedding wasn’t exactly the path toward keeping shit uncomplicated. Despite my worries, I could appreciate the beautiful simplicity of the wedding. Jana’s pregnant belly couldn’t be contained by the gauzy white dress she wore, molding over the kid we’d all meet as soon as the wind blew. She couldn’t stop smiling, tears shining in her eyes as she and Max held hands and promised to love each other forever and ever. I wasn’t all that sure about forever, to be honest, but if anyone had a shot — it was Max and Jana.

We’d nearly lost Max to PTSD and if not for Jana, we probably would have. Her and those damn painting classes had saved our boy, so not only was she one of us, Jana was the fucking best of us. And when they shared their first kiss as man and wife, even a cynical fucker like me felt like the world had gotten something right.

The ceremony was beautiful, at least according to Teddy who had run everything with the skill of a five-star general, and Jana, who couldn’t stop gushing as we all stood, posing for pictures. I wondered how many damn photos one couple needed as the photographer rotated the bride and groom, the best man, Golden Boy and Maid of Honor, Teddy, and then the other bridesmaid, Mandy, along with me, Cross, Lasso and Jag. So many fucking pictures.

“Thank fuck,” I groaned when the photographer hurried off to get some scenic shots.

Max chuckled and wrapped his arms around his wife. “Sorry babe, but Savior is right. I don’t think our place is big enough for all the photos he took.”

“All right, shut up,” she said with a laugh, waving her hands to stop all the jokes about the wedding photos. “It’s over now and you all survived. Big babies.”

She went down the line, hugged each of the Reckless Bastards who had stood up with her and Max today.

“Thank you guys. You all look so handsome today, I’m glad I got tons of proof.”

She laughed at our shocked faces, squealing when Golden Boy picked her up off the ground, smacking a kiss to her cheek. “Stop that Tate, before this baby drops right out of me.”

With a collective groan, her words drove the men away. Mandy chose that moment to join Jana and Teddy. “Hey wifey, let’s get you off your feet for a few minutes.”

Jana laughed, cheeks pink with embarrassment but eyes alight with gratitude for Mandy’s thoughtfulness. “Thank, Mandy. I probably would have run myself ragged.”

“Somehow I don’t think the baby biker would have allowed it. One of my instructors got pregnant and she would get so tired during night classes she would fall asleep standing up, leaning on the wall. Once she fell asleep while making a ganache.”

“She did not!” Jana looked horrified.

“She did, whisk in her hand and everything.”

“Now I don’t feel so bad,” Jana said, letting Mandy drag her off in search of a place to sit.

“You like her.” Teddy stood beside me, arms crossed on top of her barely showing belly. “We like her too, but she’s skittish. More than I was when I met Jana. Try not to fuck it up.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence, but there’s nothing to fuck up. We’re friends. Nothing more.”

“Hmph, well then.” She laid a sympathetic hand on my shoulder; at least I chose to see it that way, even after I caught a glimpse of pity in her eyes. “Too bad.” She walked away, shaking her head.

It wasn’t too bad. It was just fine. Mandy and I were just having fun, scratching an itch, that was all. She had no hopes where I was concerned, and I was too fucked up for anyone to lay any hope on me. I came from a shit family whose shittiness went back generations. You name it and we had it. Junkies, thieves, whores, numbers runners, bootleggers, hit men, henchmen, kingpins, outlaws and murderers. It was a real impressive bloodline that left no hope of normal, no hope of permanent happiness with white picket fences and babies. I couldn’t do that to another person, and I certainly wouldn’t send more of us out into this fucking world.

Nope. No, thank you. Not gonna fucking happen.

By the time the reception officially started, the sun had begun to set and we were all ready to party. I had a drink in my hand, half watching as Max spun his pregnant wife on the makeshift dance floor on the beach, while the rest of me scanned the beach for Mandy.

“Looking for someone?”

I smiled as Mandy circled my body, stopping right in front of me.

“Yeah, a hot little blonde in a pink low-cut dress. You seen her?”

The way her mouth curled, all slow and sultry like it was a mini seduction, made my pants grow tighter. “First of all, it’s cerise not pink. Secondly, I thought I saw her pigging out by the crab cakes.”

“There are crab cakes?”

She laughed. “Yeah. You know, you clean up nice, Savior.”

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