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Deliciously Damaged (Reckless Bastards MC 3)

Page 39

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“Right away,” he said, leaving us alone with the cash.


He shrugged. “I’m trying something new. Gettin’ all Zen and shit.”

I laughed. “What’s her name?”

Cross didn’t fuck around like the rest of us, mostly because as Prez, he had the weight of the fucking world on his shoulders. We all helped, but ultimately it was on him to keep us profitable, out of prison and protecting club interests. But still, a man had needs.

“I fucking wish, man. I’m too old to be fucking around with the kind of girls who want to fuck a bad boy. And girls the right age —”

“Don’t like to be called girls,” I told him with a smirk.

“Smartass. Women the right age don’t want to do shit with a biker but fuck him.”

“Is it too soon to suggest a Reckless Bitch?”

Cross looked up at me, eyes dark and intense. Then he let out a loud, barking laugh. “You’re fucking nuts, Savior.”

“Definitely too soon.”

Alonzo returned with a coffee and tea, then left with the cash and a promise to return.

“What’s going on with you and Mandy?”

“Nothing, so you can save your lecture, all right?”

He raised his hands defensively. “No lecture. I saw you guys at the wedding and you looked cozy. Almost happy.”

“Not you, too? A guy spends one weekend with a hot chick and suddenly the whole fucking club thinks I’m about get hitched? What the fuck? Everyone’s in love.”

“I’d give anything to still be in love, Savior. I wish Lauren was still here, but she’s not. She never will be. If you have something, don’t piss it away on some macho bullshit.”

“Shit, man, I didn’t realize.” He never talked about his ex. Ever.

“No, it’s fine. But watching Max get married after everything he’s been through, it has me thinking. Lauren would hate for me to be like this, and fuck man, I’m getting old.”

“Hate to break it to you, Prez, but you’re already old.”

He laughed but his mood was thoughtful. “Don’t you ever, I don’t know, want. . .more?”

“We’re all set gentlemen,” Alonzo said as he breezed in carrying a few slips of paper. “I have your receipts and your associates have already taken the boxes. Will there be anything else?”

Cross stood and shook the manager’s hand. “Nah, we’re good. Thank you, Alonzo.”

“My pleasure Mr. Cross.” The manager held his polite smile, handed Cross the papers and escorted us back to where Jag and Max waited. “Have a good day, gentlemen.”

“You too, Alonzo.”

Outside the sun hit my skin, warmed it as the anxiety coiled tight in my gut finally started to unwind itself. “Fuck man, I’m too old for this shit.”

Cross laughed and fell in step beside me. “If you’re too old, what does that make me?”

I glanced at him with a smirk. “In charge.”

Max barked out a laugh behind us. “He’s got you there, Prez.”

Cross looked chagrined, rolling his eyes at us like the little shits we were. “That’s right, I am in charge, which means you all need to shut the fuck up.”

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