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Sinfully Scarred (Reckless Bastards MC 2)

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I stifled the groan that wanted to escape at his question—hell, it was everyone’s question. I liked kids, when they were quiet, but most of them were too damn curious. Still, I couldn’t bring myself to be mean to the adorable little twerp. “I was in a car accident that broke my leg in several places.”

To his credit the kid didn’t ask to get an up close and personal look at the zipper scar that ran the length of my left leg. “I have a scar too, see?” He lifted his shirt to reveal what was clearly some type of heart surgery. “But when I get older I’m gonna get a Superman tattooed right here,” he smacked the spot with a proud grin. “My mom says it’s a sign that I made it, just like Superman, nothing can kill him.”

“Hey, you’re pretty smart for a kid.”

“Thanks. You’re a pretty cool for a grownup.” He waved and turned onto his back as he began to float away. “You’re a girl, maybe flowers or something for your leg!”

I shook my head. Even when they were young, men couldn’t help giving out unwanted advice. “Yeah, thanks kid.”

I couldn’t help but think about his words though, even days later as I prepared for my meeting with Ron Hardy and Tessa McMann, the winners of the most recent season of I Wanna Fall In Love. They’d postponed their consultation until her latest boob job had a chance to heal, which meant I was free to attend the grand opening of GET INK’D, the tattoo shop owned by Max’s younger brother Tate.

I didn’t really relish hanging around with a bunch of bikers all night, but Max was good people and completely in love with Jana, and until he proved otherwise—that meant Tate was good too. The only problem I had with him was he was too much man. Too big, too much hair and a smile that could drop even the tightest pair of panties. “Congratulations, Tate. The place looks good.”

He flashed that damn smile and leaned in. “Thank you, Teddy. You’re looking pretty damn good yourself.”

I rolled my eyes at his over the top flirting, but I never took him seriously. It was just a little innocent flirting and I knew it was harmless because he hadn’t made a move in all the months I’d known him. It was nice though, being able to flirt without any inappropriate blowback. Besides, my sharp tongue didn’t seem to faze Tate. If anything, he seemed amused by it. “Thanks. I did it just for you.”

He shook his head, his hair falling around his shoulders. “Not possible. If you’d dressed for me, you’d be wearing a lot less.”

I looked at him seriously before a laugh escaped. “I’ll keep that in mind for your next grand opening.” The place was nice even though it was set up like pretty much every tattoo shop ever. The artwork however, was incredible. “Did you draw this stuff?”

“Yeah, you like it?”

I nodded as I looked around, spotting Jana looking uncomfortable as hell, surrounded by Max’s biker brothers. “You’re very talented, Tate. Can we set up a consultation?”

His golden brows rose in surprise. “Sure, but you don’t strike me as the tattoo type.”

I grinned, but I rolled my eyes just so he knew how ridiculous he sounded. “Yeah, well there’s a lot you don’t know about me, Golden Boy.”

Amusement flashed in his gray eyes that could, under the right circumstances, really get my motor going. But he was too close to my life to go there. With his hand to his chest, Tate feigned hurt. “You don’t think I look like a Golden Boy?”

I couldn’t help but smile at his playfulness. I’d been through some shit in my life, but if I’d gone through what Tate had, wrongfully imprisoned for six years, I would be pissed off all the damn time. “You do have kind of a whole golden thing going on,” I told him and took him in. Without the tattoos, long hair and big muscles, he could have easily been like the suits who thought they deserved a woman like me. “But you do have really great hair.”

He snorted and rolled his eyes. “Yeah, thanks. Just what every guy wants to hear.”

“Oh, come on, Golden Boy, I’m sure your ego can handle it. Besides you seem to have a whole fan club over there.” I nodded in the direction of a group of rough looking women blatantly staring at us.

“They’re like that with everyone,” he grunted with disgust.

Against my better judgment, I dropped a hand on his shoulder. “Poor baby, not feeling too special on his big night?”

Instead of throwing a tantrum, he waggled his eyebrows. “I am special, sweetheart.”

All I could do was roll my eyes at him. “Do we need to set up an appointment or anything? I’ve never had a tattoo consultation before.” That kids’ words had really stuck with me.

I wasn’t the wilting flower type so there was no reason for me to play the part.

“Sure, lets.” He grinned with a sparkle in his eyes. “Since I’m a businessman and all. How about I come up with a few drawings and you think up some ideas?”

“Thank you, Tate.” I couldn’t even describe how grateful I was that I could talk to him without worrying about...anything, really. I handed him my phone. “Put your information in and I’ll try not to stalk you.”

He flashed another boyish grin. “I make no promises,” he said and handed the phone back to me.

“Right. See you soon, Golden Boy.” I left the man of the hour and headed for my girl Jana and her fiancé. “Hey guys, how’s it going?”

Jana shrugged, a sure sign she was feeling all kinds of uncomfortable. “It’s going.”

Max wrapped an arm around her waist and tucked her under his arm. “Whenever you’re ready, say the word babe.” He dropped a kiss on her forehead and Jana looked down, using her hair to cover the scar on her face.

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