Sinfully Scarred (Reckless Bastards MC 2) - Page 42

And then, I was alone.


But this time, the two huge plate glass windows in the front of my house were broken along with all windows visible from the street. A cool breeze darting through the house was making me shiver. Tears welled up in my eyes as fear tried to overtake me again, the terror that had paralyzed me in the bathroom. But now I wouldn’t let it. I refused to let those tears fall, because that wasn’t me. I wasn’t weak, but being around Tate too much had made me forget how strong I was on my own. I wouldn’t cry. Not now, and maybe not ever. When this was over and the asshole stalker was caught, I’d worry about tears then. If I remembered.

For now, I had shit to do. Like call the contractor and ask him to price a shitload of windows when he arrived in a few hours. I wanted to call the security company and insist they install my shit right now, but that would probably only succeed in them taking their sweet ass time, so I scanned the empty house and went to my bedroom.

To unpack and then re-pack my bags. There were a few dozen hotels within spitting distance of my house and so many of them were luxurious and incredible so I decided that for the next week—at least—I would exile myself in luxury.


“I’ve been calling you for twelve fucking hours!”

I stared at the phone for a minute and then grinned. “Jana, it’s nice to hear from you too.”

“No! Dammit, Teddy, no! I went by your house yesterday and do you know what I found? Do you?”

“Uhm, my windows all busted out?”

“Your windows totally busted out,” she replied as though I hadn’t said a word.

“It’s fine,” I sighed. “The police are handling it, that’s all they can do. In a few days I’ll have a security system installed,” I told her after glossing over the details of how my house came to be without windows. “No big deal.”

“No big deal? Teddy, you need to tell me about this stuff. I’m your friend, hell you’re like a sister to me and I need you to tell me when you’re in danger like this. Please. I’m pregnant, not disabled.”

I sighed and nodded even though she couldn’t see me. “I got it, Jana. But you can’t make me believe that keeping you and that little nugget of yours safe isn’t the most important thing.” She was finally getting the life she’d always wanted, the life she deserved, and I wouldn’t let my drama interfere with that.

“And who else but you, Teddy, is going to think about my kid like that? We need you around, so stop keeping shit from me!”

I tried not to laugh because she was so clearly distraught, but there was something funny about it and we shared a good laugh. “Where are you staying?”

“A hotel with a good security team.” The guys wore suits but you could tell them from other casino employees because they were all the size of gladiators. They all looked like former military bad asses and I felt safe. Safe enough, anyway.

“I don’t like it. They care about you as long as you’re inside the hotel, but what about work? What about walking you to your car? I’ll call Tate.”

“No, you won’t.” I didn’t mean to use that harsh tone on her, but he was the last thing I needed.

“Where is he, anyway?”

I knew she would find out sooner or later. “I don’t know. He left a few days ago. I guess I overstayed my welcome. I don’t know Jana, but I don’t want or need you to call him. I can take care of myself.” If I’d remembered that sooner, I might have already had a security system installed at home.

Jana huffed her disagreement, damn near growling in her restraint. “I’ll call him.”

“I just said I can take care of my damn self!” Jana was talking but I couldn’t listen any longer and disconnected the call, feeling guilty and pissed off. I wouldn’t trust my safety to anyone else, not again. But none of that was Jana’s fault so I called her back. “I’m sorry I yelled at you. But I meant what I said. I’ll keep you informed if you trust my safety to me.”

“I don’t like it, but of course. Whatever you need to do. Did I mention that I don’t like it?”

I laughed. “I know you don’t, but I’ve been taking care of myself for a long time, girl. Thanks for worrying, Jana.”


“Good, now go get some rest. Love you.”

“Love you too,” she responded sadly, but I hung up before she could sate her curiosity with more questions about Tate. Questions I had no answers for and didn’t really want to think about at the moment.

I had a quickie wedding tomorrow and Jana and Max’s engagement party a couple days later. That and my personal security were the only things on my mind.

Certainly not some golden-haired biker who didn’t know how to be a friend.

Tags: K.B. Winters Reckless Bastards MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024