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Sinfully Scarred (Reckless Bastards MC 2)

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Chapter 17


Nothing made a man feel like more of a loser than knocking on a woman’s door in the middle of the day and having her ignore you. Teddy’s car wasn’t in the driveway and her garage was empty, but there were workers in the house, which meant she had to come home regularly. Didn’t she?

I’d been back from Reno for a few days and she hadn’t answered any of my calls, not that I blamed her. I was an ass to her for no reason, and worse, I’d abandoned her when she needed my protection. Now she was determined to do without it, even if it compromised her safety. Stubborn damn woman.

As soon as Max called me in Reno, I hopped on my bike and returned to Mayhem as quickly as I could and found her things gone from my place, and her house vandalized. Again. And Teddy was nowhere to be found.

Not at her office, where a pretty young thing in a tight sweater had greeted me and told me she was in a consultation. An hour later another pretty young thing, this one in a short skirt said she was meeting with a vendor. Finally, a scrawny dude in hipster glasses said she was out to lunch. Yeah, I got the message loud and fucking clear, but that didn’t mean I was giving up.

I sat outside in my car, watching as the three youngsters filed out of the office and locked up at the end of the day. Teddy still hadn’t materialized but I didn’t think she stayed away. There must be another entrance that she used. I could have laughed at the irony of her now using evasive techniques when I needed to find her. I called her again, hoping she would at least pick up and tell me to fuck off.

But she wouldn’t. I knew she wouldn’t, because of how I’d left. She was used to people not wanting her, particularly after her usefulness to them had run out, and I’d shown her that I was no different than countless foster families, social workers, agents, photographers — and men.

The phone rang in my hand and I grinned, thinking it was Teddy. “What’s up?” I tried to sound casual, but the sound of my brother’s voice pissed me off.

“Are you finally off your fucking period, man? Jana is stressing out so whatever the fuck you’ve done, fix it.”

I laughed. “Based on these cramps, I think I might have another day or two of bleeding.”

“Don’t be a smartass, Tate. I’m serious.”

Yeah I knew it. “I was an asshole. There’s nothing to fix because she won’t even answer my damn calls.”

Max sighed but I could hear the frustration and stress he carried. “Mine either and now I know why. Jag sent us this invitation. You know anything about it?”

Jag? I should have known Teddy would let nothing or no one slow her down. I felt a small pang of ego at being replaced so quickly, but I knew it was unjustified. “I do. I know that you both need to be there, which is why I’ll pick you guys up.”

“That sounds good. What about Teddy, will she be there?”

There was no way she would miss this party,

not when Jana was the only person she let get close to her. “I assume she will be, since she put it together.” I let that piece of information hang in the air between us, hoping it would give him enough of a clue to understand why they both had to show up. It didn’t matter though. I’d drag them to the clubhouse if I had to.

“Fine. Fix this shit with Teddy. Please.”

Yeah, if only it was that fucking easy.


“You’re really not going to tell us what this party is all about?” Jana was practically giddy in the passenger seat as we pulled into the parking lot at the clubhouse. The Reckless Bastards partied so much we rarely went all out except for weddings, funerals and the welcoming of new brothers. Tonight though, was special. While I’d been locked up, they’d worked hard to keep Max on this planet, so for him to find this happiness was reason enough to fucking celebrate.

“I’m really not. We’re here, anyway. Show a little patience, Jana.” I rolled my eyes, laughing when she smacked me in the chest. “Don’t want to knock that baby loose.”

She gasped in outrage, green eyes lit with amusement she tried to hide. “I can’t believe you just said that about your niece or nephew.”

“Yeah, yeah. Come on, Mom.”

She stopped and looked up at me. “It’s kind of creepy to hear you say that. Why do guys like being called ‘daddy?’”

I blinked and then looked over at Max, who only shrugged. “Where does she get this shit?”

“Don’t ask, brother. Just smile and nod.”

I did as my older brother said, holding the door open so they could both enter before me.

“Oh my God! This is …” she looked back at me with a big smile and watery eyes. “Oh, Tate! This is incredible.” She looked around, awe-filled green eyes taking in the decorations that I had to admit, looked spectacular. Everything looked like what could only be called biker princess heaven. Onyx chandeliers hung from above, chrome and black tables and chairs dotted the room and in the front were two bad ass biker thrones, complete with his and hers chalices. “You did this for us?”

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