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Sinfully Scarred (Reckless Bastards MC 2)

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“Long time no see,” I told her, sliding into the seat across from her without waiting for the invitation I knew she wouldn’t give.

She looked up, deep brown eyes looking mildly annoyed, and shook her head. “Not true. I saw you two nights ago at the clubhouse.”

Yeah, there was a party to welcome the new batch of prospects, and she’d been tapped to tend bar as usual. Only something had been different that night. She didn’t smile and act friendly with the guys, she kept everyone at a distance. Me included. She didn’t talk to anyone more than necessary, just made their drinks and moved on. “Not really what I meant. What’s up with you?”

She shrugged. “Life. Work. Not much really. You?”

I told her I’ve just been busy with club shit because that much was true. “How have you been?”

“I’m fine. You don’t have to worry about me turning into a crazy stalker.”

I kind of wished she would, goddammit. Not a stalker, of course, but at least show a little more interest. Maybe pursue me a little. “I’m not worried about that,” I told her in a way that prompted a response.

“Then what are you worried about, Cash?”

“I’m worried that you’re not a woman of your word. I’ve given you two months to come to me, Minx, but you’ve been avoiding me.”

“Hiya, Cash,” Nadine cooed, interrupting us. “What can I getcha?”

Nadine was a little too desperate for my tastes, but she was nice enough so I treated her right. “How’s it going, Nadine? I’ll have the fried chicken meal with corn, potatoes, and salad.”

“You eating here?” She looked between me and Minx, trying to figure out our relationship. Good luck, sweetheart, because I don’t even know.

“Nah. Make it to go for me, would ya?”

“You got it.” She winked an

d flounced away. I was sure if I looked she’d have a wicked swing to her hips, but my attention was squarely on Minx.

“I’m not avoiding you. I have a life to live.”

“And a date you’re trying to get out of.” I stood and seared her with a gaze. “If you’re backing out, say so. If not, I expect to hear from you soon about your availability.” I figured she’d had enough of my company and went to chat with Talon, looking massively pregnant behind the counter.



I watched Cash chat with Talon while the kitchen made his meal, and then he was gone. His long powerful strides took him further away from me, and I wanted to go after him. To call him back and apologize for my constant bitchery. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t risk letting him get too close to me after that mind-blowing night we had together. It had been too much. Too explosive, too right, and too overwhelming for me to do that again and keep my emotions out of it. And with my past, the last thing I could afford was to form an emotional attachment to someone who might be dead in six months.

But dammit, I really, really wanted him again.

The problem was…Cash. He was one of those guys who was just so good, he was almost unbelievable. He held doors open for women and old people, said thank you to his servers, smiled and offered a greeting to everyone he met. And in bed, he’d shown me just how good sex could really be, and that was dangerous. I’d had plenty of sex in my life, and I knew logically that not all sexual encounters were nonconsensual and vicious, but Cash was much more than that.

So much more.

He was tender and commanding, gentle and enthusiastic. He took his time, and made sure we both had a good time. He’d even prioritized my pleasure above his own, making sure I came at least twice before he would let himself go. That had been a welcome surprise. An intoxicating encounter that, even now, had me squeezing my thighs together and talking my body down from the edge.

The edge of trouble and desire.

I had to shake off thoughts of Cash and get back to my reading. I couldn’t be distracted by any man because I had a life to get back on track. After everything I’d been through, I refused to let another man be the cause of my stagnation. I needed to make plans to get away from CAOS, maybe even away from Brently. Though he saved me, things weren’t the same without Magnus’ smiling face. Sure, the guys at CAOS had been good to me, but it just wasn’t the same.

Part of it was that I wasn’t the same. Magnus had made me get my GED which I insisted be done in secret, and with that, I enrolled in a few online courses at UC San Diego. I had no idea what I’d do with a degree, if I ever got one, but I knew I needed more practical business knowledge if I wanted to do more than sew and bartend.

Yeah, things were looking up.

I could believe that too—as long as I didn’t devote too much head space to a sexy biker who had me weak in the knees.

Talon sat sideways in the booth because her belly was too big to sit in it properly. “What did you say to Cash? I think you might’ve hurt his feelings.”

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