Sinfully Scarred (Reckless Bastards MC 2) - Page 79

“Estás bien?”

I nodded. “Si.” I proved myself a liar as I tried to sit up and cried out in pain.

“Minx!” Cash was at my side moments later, lifting me gently while Mick held Rocky pinned against the wall by the throat. At least a dozen Hispanic men mixed in with CAOS members. “Did that fucker touch you?”

“Mostly with his fists.” I tried for a smile, but Cash’s worried face told me I failed, plus the cough that shook my body and pulled a cry from me.

“Let’s go!” I looked up and noticed a familiar head of red hair had barked that order. Mick. Everyone began moving to do as their leader had said.

“Wait.” The man who’d checked on me spoke, his voice deep and heavily accented. His men aimed their guns toward CAOS.

“What the fuck, man?” Mick frowned, his own gun aimed right at the shorter man whose vest named him a Mexican Devil.

“You go and take the girl. Lazarus wants to deal with this one himself. He says to tell you ‘the problem will be solved’.”

Cash and Mick communicated silently and having reached some agreement, they made their way to the door with me hanging on to Cash for dear life. The rest of the CAOS rescue team walked behind us, completely on alert for more trouble. “Good fucking riddance,” Cash muttered and shook his head as his hands gently caressed my back.

Rocky cursed, “You fucking bitch, I’ll kill you and your pretty little boyfriend. Fuck you all, pussies!” His venom faded as we moved closer to the waiting vehicles being guarded by the new prospects.

“You okay, Minx?” Mick’s hand fell on my shoulder, his green eyes taking in what I was sure were bruises, busted lips, and judging by my vision, at least one eye was swollen shut.

I tried for a smile. “I’ve been better, Mick.” I coughed and cried again, squeezing my eyes shut. “I think I need a hospital.”

Chapter Nine


Holy fuck, I’d never been so fucking scared in my life. Not even when Mick, me, and our crew were pinned down by insurgents and our comm was down was I as afraid as I was entering that fucking warehouse. Hoping and even sending a prayer up to a God I’d given up on years ago that Minx would be all right.

As we drew closer, I heard the shit Rocky said to her. It wasn’t pretty; some of it was just plain fucking disturbing, and I was pretty sure she’d be dealing with those scars longer than the physical ones. She’d likely suffer flashbacks if not full-blown PTSD in the coming weeks and months. But she impressed the hell out of me, using silence as a weapon against that weak asshole.

But seeing her bloody and bruised like that, hearing those blows rain down on her knowing I was in no position to do shit about it killed me. I wanted to take care of Rocky myself, squeeze the life out of that sorry motherfucker so he knew who did it to him. But the club had to approve it.

All I gave a shit about now was Minx. She’d be okay in that her body would heal, but I worried about the rest of her. The part on the inside. The moment I saw Cherie I jumped to my feet. “How is she?”

Cherie’s smile was grim. “She’s okay. Got a busted rib and a few deep bruises, possibly a concussion. She said to tell you she’s fine and you don’t need to worry about her.”

That I didn’t need to…what the fuck? “What? No. Where is she?” I walked down the hall where Cherie pointed, stopping at the room number she’d called out to me. I steeled myself and took a deep breath outside her room before pushing in. “You don’t think you’re getting rid of me that easy, do you? I’m not letting you run away. Not again, baby girl.”

She blinked once. Twice. Then one tear fell from her right eye, bruised and swollen shut. She looked away from me then tried to use her hair to hide the bruises on her face. “I need time, Cash.”

“I got lots of time. I’m here and ready to listen.”

She glared at me and I glared back until her gaze softened, her body relaxed. “I don’t know if I can.”

“Then talk to Talon, she’s waddling around the waiting room ready to punch someone to get back here.”

“Yet you’re here,” she challenged, tilting her head toward me.

I smiled and ran a hand over her hair. “I’m bigger than she is, and I think we’ve already established—I’m irresistible.” She tried to laugh but gasped in pain. I put my hand to her rib. “Sorry, babe. Breathe.” I inhaled and exhaled deeply so she would do the same.

“Thank you, Cash. For coming for me. For saving me.” She wiped more tears as they fell. “I’m sorry I didn’t expect you to. I should have.”

I dropped down on the bed so we were eye to eye. “Always, babe.” I wrapped her hands in mine and pressed a kiss to the bruises on her wrists. “Get some rest, sweetheart, I’ll be right here. I promise.”

“No.” She shook her head. “I can’t.” I saw the fear in her eyes, and it just about tore me apart.

“I already know about the nightmares, Minx. Last time I stayed over you twitched and cried all night long.” Her eyes burned with embarrassment, and she looked away. “Don’t hide, Minx.” I grabbed her chin so she had to look at me and brushed a kiss to her forehead. “Don’t be embarrassed.”

Tags: K.B. Winters Reckless Bastards MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024