The Boss (Men of Hidden Justice 1) - Page 5

Despite her fragile appearance, she was strong. Stronger than she knew.

I stared at Frank, my loathing of him growing every passing second. His time was up. What I planned to happen later was happening now.

“Marcus,” I called.

He appeared.

“Bring me the package.”



I moved forward, pushing Evelyn down into the wooden chair where I had first discovered her. “You will sit there and not move. Do you understand? You will remain in that fucking chair no matter what happens next.”

Only her terrified, shortened breathing answered me.

I faced Frank, who was watching me with a bored, insolent look on his face.

That would be changing soon.

I heard a commotion from the other room as Marcus returned with the “package.” He dragged in a highly angry and vocal Carly. She twisted and clawed at him, cursing and hurling obscenities. He flung her on the floor, brushing off his sleeves, wiping off the blood from where her fingernails found purchase on his cheek.

“Bitch,” he muttered as he moved away.

Frank rushed past me, snarling.

“What the fuck are you doing?” he shouted to Marcus.

He kneeled beside Carly, whispering—no doubt telling her to let him do the talking.

I checked the gun, and once satisfied, I cast a final warning look at Evelyn. “Don’t move.”

She stared at me, not making a sound, shock beginning to take over.

I strolled into the main room. “I got you a gift, Frank.”

“What’s going on? Why is my wife here?”

I walked around them, scratching my chin with the gun. “Imagine my shock when the crew discovered a new child pornography ring and Carly’s name came up as being part of it.”

“Impossible,” he sputtered.

I stopped in front of them, ignoring his denial. “Then, when we dug further, we discovered she had help—your help.”

He shook his head. “Lies, Matteo. All lies. You know I’m loyal. I would never…”

I narrowed my eyes, pointing my gun. “Filth, scum—the lowest of humanity that preys on the weak and the defenseless. The very basis of what we fight against, and now I find out you’re one of them?”

“No, no…”

I cocked my head to the side. The rest of my crew leaned against the walls, watching. I could feel their hate growing. Frank had never fit in. He was never part of us. Julian had been blind to his weakness. When I presented the evidence to him of Frank’s activities, he had been horrified, then only nodded as he closed the file. His silence effectively gave me permission for what I was going to do.

I pointed the gun between them, cocking the hammer. “I have proof that one of you is part of this. One of you speak up. I’ll spare the other.”

Carly pushed to her feet. “It was Frank! It was his idea—he said with all the contacts you had, he could find everything he needed to make his own ring! He wanted to make millions, and he didn’t care who he hurt!”

I had planned to set them up, pitting them against each other, playing Russian roulette with the gun. I wanted to watch them throw each other under the bus and fight for their lives. But Evelyn had changed that plan. I no longer knew where the empty chambers were.

I squeezed the trigger, the pleading look on Carly’s face turning to shock. She sank to the floor, grasping her chest as blood spread, pooling around her.

Frank stared at her, no emotion showing on his face. He turned his head, a sneer on his face. “I knew she was up to something. And trying to pin it on me. You can’t trust a fucking woman. Right, Boss?”

I spun the chamber and lifted the gun. “You can’t trust anyone.”

He was dead before he hit the floor.

There was an odd sound from the room behind me. I glanced over my shoulder. Evelyn was hunched over, dry heaving. She rested her head in her hands, her shoulders bowed in pain and despair. She was tiny in the chair, all alone in the dark room, waiting to die. Even worse, wanting to die.

I glanced down at the bodies at my feet. I should feel shame. Guilt at taking human life. All I felt while looking at them was disgust.


He approached. “Yeah, Boss?”

“Get rid of them. Liquidate everything they had. It all goes to the fund.”

“I’ll get Alex to start right away.”


“What about her?” He indicated Evelyn with a lift of his shoulder.

“I need a wet cloth. A bottle of water.”

“Um, Boss?”

“And bring around the car.”

He opened his mouth to speak then, seeing the look on my face, changed his mind.


I held out the gun. “You know what to do.” I nudged Frank’s foot. “I want his memory wiped away. Completely. His name gets no respect.”

“I’ll make sure of it.”


I waited patiently until Marcus returned, bringing with him the items I asked for. I felt nothing as I stared at the two dead bodies except grateful that they could no longer hurt anyone. Teams were already breaking up the ring they had started—punishing the instigators and helping the victims. Many other bodies were hitting the ground tonight. They could all burn in hell.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Men of Hidden Justice Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024