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The Boss (Men of Hidden Justice 1)

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I shuddered, thinking about that. I had never enjoyed sex with Blaine. It had been rough and unfeeling and not satisfying most of the time. Especially after my dad died and Blaine had me completely in his grip. I glanced at the door to Matteo’s bedroom.

Would he want to have sex as well?

Unable to think in that direction, I walked into the shower. It took me a few minutes to figure out how to turn it on, but once I did, the steam and heat helped ease the ache in my muscles. I carefully washed my hair and used the soap in the holder. It was rich and masculine, the scent that Matteo carried on his skin, reminding me once again of the stranger waiting for me. I quickly finished and wrapped myself in one of the thick towels, somehow not surprised to find them heated, the same way the floor was. I dried off and found a fresh toothbrush in the medicine cabinet to clean my teeth. I found a comb in the top drawer, and I used it to smooth out my hair.

I emerged from the bathroom, clean and wrapped in Matteo’s long navy robe. I had to roll up the sleeves, and I tucked some of the trailing material under the belt. He was at least a foot taller than I was, if not more, and he outweighed me by at least seventy pounds. I stopped as I walked into the room, seeing Matteo waiting. His very presence made the room seem smaller. He was talking with an older man, their voices hushed. When he saw me, they stopped speaking, and he held out his hand. I went to his side.

“Evie, this is Geo. My uncle.”

Geo stepped forward, holding out his hand in greeting. His silver hair gleamed, and his dark eyes were kind, his voice gentle. “Evie.”


Matteo brushed my wet hair away from my cheek. “She was attacked, Geo. Her head was struck. Please check her over for me.”

“May I?” Geo asked, addressing me, not Matteo. “I won’t hurt you.”


“Then let’s get started.”

Under Matteo’s watchful eye, Geo checked me over. He was gentle, although a few times I winced, and once when he was examining my head, I whimpered as his finger touched a sensitive spot. Matteo hurried to my side, holding my hand.

“Careful, Geo.”

Geo shook his head. “I need to see how deep the laceration is. I am being careful.”

“It’s fine,” I assured Matteo, meeting his dark gaze. “Really.”

He frowned but remained silent and stayed by my side the rest of the time. He cursed when he saw the bruises on my arms. I clutched the robe to my midsection as Geo probed the painful spot on my back. Matteo’s cursing became louder, but he unexpectedly wrapped his hand around mine and lifted it to his lips, holding it to his chest as Geo finished. Matteo drew the robe back over my shoulders.

“Go sit over there, Evie.” He indicated the love seat by the fire. “I’ve had tea and toast brought in. I would like you to eat.”

I curled up, the soft cushions warm and welcoming. I poured a cup of tea, adding sugar and milk, and picked up a piece of the toast from a covered plate. I wasn’t hungry, but again, I did as he asked, remembering his warning from earlier.

I felt his watchful gaze as Geo spoke quietly to him. Matteo met my eyes, nodding at Geo’s words. He shook Geo’s hand and waited until he left before coming over and sinking into the huge chair beside me.

He poured himself a cup of tea and lifted it to his lips. He sipped in silence, then sat back.

“Geo says nothing is broken, but he is worried about how hard you hit your head. I will watch over you tonight. He is going to bring a prescription for some painkillers to help your headache. His wife is big into natural treatments—essential oils and that sort of thing. She will bring something to rub into the bruises to help heal them quicker and ease the aches.”

“That is very kind.”

“You will be family now. They will look out for you as well.” He cast his gaze over me, frowning when he saw a bruise on my foot. Blaine had stomped on it earlier in his anger. He leaned forward, tracing the darkening skin with his long finger.

“I can see how often you were mistreated from the marks on your skin. That will not happen again.”

I believed him. “You don’t have to marry me, Matteo.”

He cocked his head to the side. “What is it you suggest I do with you, then, Evie?” he asked in a voice that was almost teasing in its tone.

“This looks like a big house. I could clean here. Or do the laundry. I’m a good cook. I could work for you, and you can keep an eye on me.” I met his gaze. “I won’t ever tell a soul about what I saw. I swear that to you.”

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