The Boss (Men of Hidden Justice 1) - Page 10

He leaned forward, shifting on the chair so our knees touched. He stroked a finger down my cheek. “I know you won’t. But I don’t want you for a maid. I want you for my wife.”

“I don’t understand.”

He sat back. “Frankly, neither do I. But somehow, I know this. I always trust my instincts. They have never failed me.”


“Not once. So, in a short while, we will be married.”

“A license?”

He waved his hand. “All will be handled. You don’t have to worry.”

He stood, looking down at me. “You never have to worry about anything again, Evie. I’ll take care of you. I promise your life is going to get better.” He held out his hand. “And that is the end of the conversation.”

Chapter Five


My mind reeled. A short time later, I stood in front of a stranger, a man I had witnessed murder four people, and married him.

Father John was a small man with a gleaming bald head. He looked pleased and didn’t even blink at marrying us. Instead, he beamed as he pronounced us husband and wife. Matteo stood tall and handsome, wearing a deep-gray suit, the expression on his face somber. I wore a dark-blue dress Geo’s wife, Lila, had brought to me. It was simple, with long sleeves which covered my bruises. My hair was down and my feet bare. I had no shoes. The old ones I had been wearing were filthy and unwearable.

She had introduced herself to me when she arrived, carrying the dress.

“I am Geo’s wife.” She smiled, laying down the dress on the bed. Then she pulled out a small container. “I understand you are in pain, dear. If you would allow me, I can help ease the aches. This is essential oil cream I make myself.”

At my wary look, she nodded in understanding, showing me a burn on her hand. “I did this only yesterday. See how well it already is healing. Geo swears by my elixir, as he calls it.” She let me look at her hand then she offered to let me sniff the cream. It smelled lovely, eucalyptus, mint, and lavender hitting my senses along with other fragrances I couldn’t identify.

She tsked as she saw my bruises and was gentle as she rubbed the cream into places I couldn’t reach. Then she helped me dress, and I waited until Matteo reappeared to go downstairs. She had been very kind, which helped dispel some of my nerves—but not all of them. I was still overwhelmed.

I was shocked when Matteo slid a slender band onto my finger, then slipped his hand under my chin, lifted my face to his, and kissed me. His lips were soft and full, and his touch surprisingly tender. When he smiled at me, his eyes were warm, and he drew one long finger down my cheek.

“Forever,” he murmured. “You are now mine forever.”

I had no words to respond.

His men stood along the wall, witnessing our union. I signed the papers put in front of me, silent.

I sipped from the glass I was handed. As he promised, Matteo rarely left my side, his hand spread wide on the small of my back.

There were three other women in the room, aside from me—Lila, Gianna, and Roza, all of whom seemed friendly enough, although Gianna kept her distance. I knew she was Matteo’s sister and was very uncomfortable around new people. I could understand her reticence right now, and I didn’t approach her. In fact, I didn’t approach anyone but remained where I was. Lila checked on me often, telling Matteo I should sit. He led me to a chair, gently pushing me down onto the cushion. He leaned down. “Are you all right?”


“This will be over soon.” He frowned when I shivered, tucking my bare feet under the hem of the dress. “I will get something for your feet.”

He turned and left the room.

Lila sat across from me, patting my hand in a maternal way. “You are very pale. Geo wants you to rest. I am sure the events today have depleted your strength.”

I looked at her, unsure how to reply. I didn’t know if I should talk, remain quiet, or give in and cry. I was lost.

She squeezed my hand. “I know you’re scared. I know this must seem like a dream.” She smiled kindly. “Or a nightmare.”

I glanced down at my lap.

“Sometimes,” she continued, “things are not as they seem. Matteo is a good man. Honorable. And despite what you may have witnessed, compassionate. Give him a chance. You may be surprised at what you discover.”

“You–you know him well?”

“Yes, I have known him for a long time. He married you today and spoke sacred vows. I promise you—he takes his vows very seriously. He will take care of you.” She cocked her head to the side, studying me. “I think you may be good for him.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Men of Hidden Justice Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024