The Boss (Men of Hidden Justice 1) - Page 12

“Geo felt some mild painkillers would help you sleep.” He showed me the bottle when I frowned. “They are not addictive, nor have they been altered in any way.”

“All right.”

Satisfied, he went into the bathroom, and I heard him brushing his teeth and the splash of water as he got ready to sleep. When he returned, he went back to the closet and came out with a bottle of cold water. “Geo is worried you may have a concussion. I’ll check on you throughout the night.”

“Why are you being so kind?”

“Is there a reason I shouldn’t be?” His brow furrowed as he opened the bottle, shook out two pills into my hand, and handed me the water. I swallowed the pills, anxious for the relief they would give me. The Tylenol I’d had earlier had barely taken the edge off.


“Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness. I’m kind because you’ve given me no reason not to be.” He stepped closer and cupped my cheek. “I hope you never do.”

“I won’t.”

“Lila was talking to you.”

“She told me you’re an honorable man.”

“And you think I’m a murderer.”

I didn’t deny it. But I had also seen something else in him tonight. Something human.

“I want to believe her. I want to get to know you.”

He studied me for a moment, then tugged me from the chair and wrapped his arm around my waist, drawing me close. He laid his cheek on my head. “You smell like me.”

I exhaled shakily, wondering why being so close to him didn’t scare me. In fact, I liked it, which was even more confusing. I had stopped liking being touched by anyone. But in his arms, I felt…safe, which was another odd reaction.

“I used your shampoo earlier.”

He pressed his lips to my hair. “It smells good on you.”

I lifted my head. He was so tall I had to lean back to see him. He smiled down at me, his dark eyes glittering in the dim light. “You are so beautiful, my wife.”

I blinked at him. His tone was low, husky. Provocative. I couldn’t recall the last time someone had called me beautiful. Thought me beautiful. Blaine certainly hadn’t.

“What you saw tonight is only part of my life. I am more than what you think. If you give me the chance, I can prove it to you.

“I promise you, Evie, you will be safe. Protected. I will do everything in my power to care for you.” He paused. “Be at my side, support me, and I promise, you will never have to fear anyone, including me.”

I was mesmerized. His voice was a quiet, comforting murmur in the room. I found him compelling, and, strangely, I wanted to be close to him.

He traced a finger down my cheek. “I liked how it felt when I kissed you after our vows. Tell me, my wife, did you like it?”


He bent down, his mouth hovering over mine. “I’d like to kiss you again.”

I felt myself tremble, shocked at the thought I wanted him to kiss me as well. His arms tightened, drawing me up his chest. His eyes drifted shut as his mouth slid over mine. Featherlight, tender, and warm.

“Touch me,” he whispered.

I slid my hand up his arm, across his neck, and touched the hairs at the base of his head. He groaned low and covered my mouth again. He skimmed his tongue along my lips, slipping inside my mouth. I had never been kissed like that. Languidly, sensuously. His mouth moved over mine, harder, claiming me. He deepened the kiss, wrapping my hair in his hand and tugging my head to the side. Whimpers escaped my throat, desire beginning to build inside me. He lifted me easily, locking my legs around his waist, and holding me tight. I clutched his shoulders, lost in the sensations he created inside me. There was no doubt, no fear—only need. Need that he built and stoked. He broke from my mouth, dragging his lips down my neck. He pulled on my hair, exposing my neck as he licked and nipped. My head fell back, and I gasped in pain.

He stopped immediately, his eyes wary.

“I hurt you.”

“No,” I insisted. “My head…”

He cupped my neck. “I got carried away and forgot you’re injured. Forgive me.”

I blushed. “I–I liked it.”

He dropped another kiss to my mouth. “So did I. And we’ll explore this more when you’re recovered. For now, I’m taking you to my bed, and I’ll watch over you as you sleep. Tomorrow, we’ll talk and figure out our new life together.”

Why did that word bring me such pleasure?


What on earth was happening to me?

Chapter Six


The painkillers worked and Evie slept. I studied her features in the muted light. I had kept a lamp on in case she woke up and was confused. I didn’t want to add to her already long list of anxieties.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Men of Hidden Justice Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024