The Boss (Men of Hidden Justice 1) - Page 14

Evie shifted again, rolling and curling into herself, a small whimper escaping her lips. I moved closer, carefully wrapping an arm around her. She settled against my chest with a small sigh, her warm breath blowing on my skin. I felt her sock-covered feet press on my legs, making me smile. I would have to make sure Roza got her some socks of her own. Maybe some of those fuzzy ones women seemed to like. Evie snuggled closer, almost burrowing herself into me. I felt a sense of satisfaction at her unconscious need to be close to me. Perhaps, deep down, she sensed the same draw I did. Her body certainly felt as if it already trusted me. Soon, I hoped her heart and head would follow. I would do everything I could to let her see the man I really was—not the one she thought me to be.

Then we would explore a physical relationship. I wanted her. I wanted to feel her under me, to bury myself inside her, and fill her with my seed.

We would be married in every sense.

She would truly be mine.


The sun was bright when I opened my eyes in the morning. Matteo had woken me several times in the night, his low voice a murmur in my ear. He would ask me my name, his name, and how I felt. Once he was satisfied, he let me go back to sleep. He made me take sips of water, and at one point, when I told him my head was pounding, he gave me more painkillers. I was certain I had felt his arms around me, the heat of his body pressed to mine at different moments in the night, but when I woke up, I was alone.

There had been a tray with coffee, breakfast, and a note instructing me to stay in the room until Roza showed up. I had a shower, sipped some coffee, then waited, trying to sort through my feelings. My head still hurt, but not as badly. The cream Lila had given me helped ease the aches from the bruises. She had been kind enough to help me treat some of the bruises on my back I couldn’t get to, and this morning, I felt the difference.

I glanced at my hand, looking at the pretty ring Matteo had put on my finger. The filigree and diamonds caught the light. Yesterday, I was running for my life, and today, I was married to a stranger for whom I should feel nothing but revulsion, yet who instead brought out some sort of yearning in me I didn’t understand. His touch didn’t frighten me—in fact, I wanted more. His mouth on mine had caused a maelstrom of feelings to well inside me. What I should feel and what I did feel were at war with each other. I should be looking for a way to escape. Looking for a phone to call the police and beg for help. Demanding Matteo release me.

Instead, I sat in the chair he’d been in last night, his scent encircling me, making me wish he were here. I had no desire to leave the confines of this house, somehow knowing, with him in it, I was safe and protected. There was a part of me that hoped he would kiss me again.

It was all very confusing.

Roza knocked and entered with a flourish, her hands filled with bags, followed by her husband, Alex. She immediately had me change into a blue shirt and brushed my hair back off my face. She added a little makeup, and Alex took my picture. They were kind and patient, but I knew better than to question them. I did only as I was instructed.

After Alex left, Roza spread out her purchases, telling me to pick what I liked, and she would return the rest and get me anything else I wanted and needed.

I looked at the pile of clothing on the bed, unsure how to respond.

“What’s wrong, Evie?”

“I thought you were getting me a few things,” I confessed. “I–I don’t think I have enough money for all these clothes.” My wallet was in my jacket, which was gone, and I had given Matteo the cash I’d stolen from Blaine. The price tags on the items showed they were all expensive.

She laughed, patting my arm. “Matteo told me to buy them. I have his credit card. These are for you, so you don’t have to walk around in his robe and shirt. Once you feel better, you can get more clothes and things.” She shook her head. “Matteo will look after you.”

“Oh.” I picked up a bathing suit. “I’m not sure I’ll need this.”

“Oh yes. There is an indoor pool here that is lovely, as well as an outdoor one. And Matteo says you’ll need some light clothes for your trip.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Men of Hidden Justice Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024