The Boss (Men of Hidden Justice 1) - Page 57

“Upsetting?” Matteo hissed. “Upsetting? That fucking lowlife knew my name. He knew about my wife! He told me he is coming after her. I will do everything I can to protect her. I can’t even imagine what he’d do if…” His voice trailed off, and a shudder went through him, his arms tightening. “I can’t risk her.”

“It’s not going to happen,” Julian assured him. “Until he is caught—and he will be caught, Matteo—you’re staying here with Evie. All of your people are on guard. You’ll be surrounded. Raoul is alone. We’ve cut off his finances. His people. His network. You killed everyone else in his organization, so he has no one to fall back on. No one he trusts. He isn’t going to get to Evie or to you.”

He took a drink of his coffee. “Not that he won’t try. But we’ll be waiting. Separating you from Evie would give him the advantage. Make him come to you. To divide is not to conquer here.”

Matteo was silent.

I turned to him. “Please listen to Julian. I can’t be away from you, Matteo. I can’t.”

Geo spoke. “I suggest we all remain here. Safety in numbers. We go about our lives as usual, but we will all be extra cautious.” He scrubbed his face, looking as weary as I felt. “I do suggest you stay close to the house, though, Evie. I know it’s difficult and you hate being locked away, but for the time being, it is the wisest course of action.”

“Even if Marcus goes with me?”

Matteo sighed, his breath warm on my neck. “Even then.”

“What about groceries and other things?”

“We’ll have them picked up by my men.”

“What about Mrs. Armstrong?”

Julian met my eyes. “Anyone Matteo cares about will be protected. She will be fine.”

I turned back to Matteo. His brow was furrowed, lines of worry etched around his eyes.

“Please, Matteo,” I murmured. “Don’t send me away. I couldn’t bear it.”

His expression softened at my words. “I don’t want you to go, Evie.”

“You won’t send me away, then?”

He groaned, the sound low and tortured. “No.”

“Good. We’ll protect each other.”

He held me close. “Okay.”

Chapter Seventeen


I huffed in frustration, shutting the cupboard door. I was out of Matteo’s favorite peanut butter, and I knew he’d frown upon me sending someone to the store for a single item. I had sent them only yesterday for groceries, but I’d forgotten to check the jar. Matteo ate a lot of peanut butter.

I headed down the hall to Matteo’s office, walking in after rapping on the door, not waiting for Matteo to tell me to enter. Matteo glanced up from his computer, frowning at my annoyed expression.

“Evie, what is it?”

“We’re out of peanut butter.”

“I’ll survive without it.”

I squared my shoulders. “I can go to the store with one of your men to get it. There are a few other things I want as well.”

He laid down the pen he was holding. “No.”

I stepped closer, ignoring the stares of his team.

“Yesterday when Julian was here, he said he was certain they had tracked Raoul to Mexico. He isn’t going to turn up at the grocery store and attack me while I get peanut butter.”

Matteo stood, his hands clenched in fists on his desk. “I said no.”

I crossed my arms, suddenly angry. “Perhaps I am not asking permission, Matteo.”

His eyes narrowed, and he raised his hand. “Everyone out.”

I heard the door shut behind me and felt a shiver of fear run down my spine, but I refused to let Matteo see my trepidation.

“Julian himself felt Raoul was too busy trying to stay alive and ahead of them to think about coming here. It’s been a month of being trapped in this house, unable to do anything.” I raised my voice. “I hate it. I need to get out—even if it is a trip to the damn grocery store!”

Matteo’s eyebrows shot up, and he studied me while stroking his chin. “Once again, you are surprising me, Evie. I would never have believed you would ever dare to defy me.”

I raised my chin. “I promised I would stay close and allow you to ensure my safety. I do not wish to defy you, but you’re driving me crazy.” My voice broke. “All I want is–is to buy you some damn peanut butter and get a few personal items. Send four men with me if you want, but please let me out of this damn house.”

His face softened. “I wish only for your safety. I keep you here because I love you.”

I dared to cross the room and stand before him. I cupped his cheek, and he leaned into my caress, turning his face to kiss my palm.

“I hate the fact that you’re miserable,” he murmured. “I hate keeping you in a cage and living in fear.”

“Who do you trust the most to protect me?”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Men of Hidden Justice Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024