The Boss (Men of Hidden Justice 1) - Page 63

Humming, I walked into the kitchen, startling when I saw Tom sitting at the table. I frowned in confusion.


“Mrs. Campari.”

I looked around, unsure. “Are you all right?”


“I thought I heard the crew leave.”

“They did.”

A shiver of fear ran down my spine. He was staring at me, the usual friendly expression on his face gone. Instead, his face was impassive, blank. Even his voice was different. It was no longer soft or shy. It was cold.

I began to back up, and he stood. “Don’t bother. Sal can’t help you.” He tilted his head. “No one can help you.”


“I’ve been waiting for this. I knew it was only a matter of time until you showed exactly how stupid you were.”

My gaze tore around the room. I didn’t know what was happening. I didn’t understand.

“St–stupid?” I repeated.

“Letting me into your house. That was all I needed. But then you gave me a gift. A minute alone in your kitchen. All it took was thirty seconds, and I had everything I needed.”


He held up his hand. A small gadget sat in his palm. “I have every code. Every door is locked. Every camera belongs to me. I control everything.” His smile terrified me. “I control you.”


“Let me introduce myself properly.” Another dark smile curled his mouth. “After all, you should know the name of the man who is going to bring your husband to his knees.” From behind his back, he withdrew a gun.

My mouth opened, but no words came out.

“Raoul. My name is Raoul Carmen. And I’m going to kill you. Very slowly.”

His evil smile grew.

“And let your husband watch.”

Chapter Nineteen


I stood frozen with fear, his words echoing in my head.

“Kill you. Slowly.”

“Let your husband watch.”

The man I knew as Tom smiled coldly as he watched my growing terror, my hand flying to my stomach in a defensive gesture.

“But–but Julian said you were dead. They had your DNA…”

He held up his hand, the gap of his missing fingers suddenly telling a different story. “A small price to pay.” He shrugged. “A dead body that looked like me, some donated blood and body parts, and an easily bribed lab worker—anything can be made to appear different from what it really is with the right incentive. Like being dead—or assuming the identity of another living person for a while.”

“Is there really a Tom Smith?”

He tilted his head. “There…was. Your husband himself approved the application. I got to know Tom well before…” He trailed off, and I knew what he wasn’t saying.

I swallowed at his implication.

“He was kind enough to share many stories of his pregnant wife. They proved to be invaluable. I was most grateful.”

“And?” I whispered.

“I thanked him by killing them all quickly.” He smirked. “They never saw it coming. Most never do. Idiots. They believe what they see—like you.”

He waved his hand as if it was no big deal. As if killing people and removing body parts didn’t matter.

With growing horror, I knew neither did. He continued as if we were simply discussing the weather.

“This time, I can enjoy it. Take my time. What a treat it will be destroying the only things that matter to your husband. Taking away from him the two things he holds most dear.” His smile became so evil it made my knees weak. “I shall have so much pleasure. So worth the wait.”

“He’ll kill you,” I threatened wildly. “He won’t stop until he finds you.”

He sneered, not even remotely worried. “He will be so overcome by grief and anger he’ll be an easy target. Little does he know his hell is only beginning.”


“I was going to take you and let him suffer. But it’s not enough. I’m going to kill every member of his team, his family, and anyone else I think he might even remotely like. And when he has nothing left and nothing to live for, I’ll kill him. Once I think he’s suffered enough loss.” He laughed—the sound so cold I shivered. “And I think he needs to really suffer.” He slid the gun into his pocket and reached behind him, pulling out a knife. The lethal-looking weapon glinted in the light, traces of blood clinging to the blade.

I gripped the back of the chair to stop myself from falling. I could feel the color draining from my face, and my stomach clenched. I slapped my hand over my mouth and rushed to the sink, dry heaving over the edge as panic seized me. Hot tears spilled down my cheeks, and my breath came out in loud gasps.

I cried out as Raoul grabbed my arm, his grip brutal. He dragged me from the kitchen, down the hall, and into Matteo’s office. Sal was on the floor, surrounded by a pool of blood. It was obvious he had fought hard but lost. I pushed down the nausea, turning my head, and silently apologized to him. We weren’t close the way Marcus and I were, but he had died trying to protect me. I owed him that much.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Men of Hidden Justice Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024