Struck Love - Page 7

“You said you owned this place?”

“Eyes on me, babe.” He grips my chin, dragging my attention back to him and off the ladies dancing.

“Ollie.” I respond by giving him my name.


“Olivia Hart, but everyone calls me Ollie.” I shrug.

“Olivia. I like it. Now, who’s this boyfriend?”

“Boyfriend?” I repeat, confused. I’m not allowed to have a boyfriend. At least that’s what my stupid, overbearing older brothers would say. It’s not as if I have to listen to them, but they make it hard to meet anyone. They scare everyone off. Not that it matters. Who wants to date someone your brothers can scare off so easily?

“You said your boyfriend invited you.” Oh, crap. Right.

“Eddie!” I suddenly remember my whole reason for being here.

“Copper?” He lets go of his hold on me but only to move it to my hips. I gasp when he pulls me flush against his body. My hands land on his broad chest. “Tell me you’re not looking for fucking Copper.” Now he sounds a bit like one of my brothers.

“I didn’t say Copper. I said Eddie,” I repeat. I’m not sure how he’s getting the names mixed up. They are completely different. I wrack my brain, trying to remember Eddie’s last name. I know it’s not Copper. “Harris!” I shout when I finally remember. His hands on my hips tighten. This man is always touching me somewhere.

“You’re not dating him.” I’m not sure if it’s an order or he’s calling out my lie. His hold on my hips tightens so much it’s almost painful. My breath catches at the intensity with which he is staring me down.

“Can I get you something to drink, Pres?” a girl calls from behind the bar. She gives him a flirty smile.

“No,” he responds without even looking her way. She turns her attention to me, staring me down with curiosity. She is beautiful, like all the other girls here. There must be some sort of requirement or something to get in. Vee and I are cute, but not sexy like these girls. Another reason we stand out so easily.

“How about the girl? You want something?”

“No,” he clips before I can answer her.

“Hey. Maybe I’m a little parched.” I shove his chest, but he doesn't move.

He’s hard as a freaking rock. Then it hits me what else is hard that is pressing into my stomach. He’s turned on. It must be the girls dancing on the box. They both are down to their panties now, but all his attention remains on me.

“Find Copper for me,” he tells the woman behind the bar before he’s once again leading me across the warehouse. This time he doesn’t tangle our fingers together. He’s got me by the wrist, dragging me behind him. I’m beginning to get the impression I’m somehow in trouble. I’m also putting together that Copper and Eddie are the same person. It must be his club name.

“Where are you taking me?” I try to pull my hand back to get away, but he only tightens his hold on me. A small pang of worry begins to fill me that my cover has been blown. Crap. This is not good. Especially since I have no idea where the heck Vee is at the moment or how much Jason knows about our secret mission.

I never should have brought up Eddie. That’s where I went wrong. He keeps on pulling me along, not answering me. No one tries to stop him, either. Even when I shout that he’s kidnapping me when I realize he’s not going to let me go. They all ignore me or pretend as though they don’t see what’s happening.

“Follow,” Jason orders another man, who is standing at the end of a hallway we’re about to enter. Without question, the giant man does as he told him to. I’m noticing he gives out a lot of orders, and people do them without question.

“She isn’t to leave my office. If she does, it's your patch,” he tells the giant man. He’s not as tall as Jason, but he’s big like a bouncer or the hulk. The man gives a nod as he starts to eye me. “Don’t look at her,” Jason barks, making me jump. The man's eyes snap away from me. “Or touch.” He growls the last part.

“What are you doing? You can’t order people not to look at me or touch me,” I huff as he opens the door to what I’m guessing is his office. He pulls me inside.

“I can do any goddamn thing I want to. Here my word is law.” I open my mouth but close it when I see the pissed-off look on his face. “If I was you I’d sit your ass down over there while I figure out what kind of mess you’re in.” He points over to a sofa.

Tags: Lucy Darling Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024