Struck Love - Page 22

That was until he told me to go home. My stomach dropped at his words. No one ever wants to stand up to my brothers or my dad when it comes to dating me. The few that had shown some interest over the years ran easily at the sight of them. Not that I’d cared. Who wants to be with someone who wouldn’t fight for you? I don’t want them to fight, but when there’s no choice, you have to.

I was so sure there was no way that Jason would back down to my father. Now I have no clue what is going to happen. He might not want to deal with my family.

I pull in, parking behind my dad’s truck. When I enter, he’s standing in the kitchen waiting for me.

“You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.” He places his hands flat on the kitchen island between us.

“Maybe I don’t, but that’s for me to find out. You can’t always protect me. You have to let me experience things for myself.”

“He’s a criminal. I’d know, since I was the one who arrested him.”

I’m not shocked about the criminal thing. Jason told me how he ended up in the military. I am, however, a tiny bit surprised it was my dad who arrested him. I bet Jason already put that together. Is that why he told me about what happened or was he really trying to open up to me?

“Dad.” I put my hands on my hips. “That crap isn’t even on his record. He was a stupid kid. He did what he was supposed to. He served our country!” I shout the last part, my anger starting to get the better of me. I’ve seen the scars on Jason’s body that were left from his time in the service. He more than paid for what he did.

“You want me to tell you the things that club has been associated with over the years?” It’s not really a question because he doesn’t pause for an answer. He starts listing them. Most of them I already knew from overhearing him and my brothers talk about it. There has also been gossip around town. But I have to admit that there are a few things that surprise me.

“Stop.” I hold my hand up. “Are you telling me you know for a fact those things have to do with Jason? Don’t judge him by his father’s actions.”

“His father would be in prison if he hadn’t died, and that’s a fact. I’m sure Jason wouldn’t have been far behind if not for Archer Myers’s father and all that gold.”

“Because of who his father is?” I ask. He closes his eyes, dropping his head. I can’t believe my dad is saying this crap. He taught me to give everyone a chance. “Does that mean I might end up an addict? Take off and leave my family one day?” My dad's head snaps up.


“You want people judging me based on my mother’s actions?”

“Never.” He comes around the kitchen island and pulls me in for a hug. “I love you. I don’t want you getting hurt is all. You deserve a man that is going to treat you right.”

“Dad.” I drop my head back to look up at him. “I grew up with three of the best men in the world as examples. I’m not going to let some man treat me like shit when I know what’s out there.” His face softens.

“All right. I’ll lay off for now, but you’ll have to deal with your brothers on your own.” I groan, knowing they’ll be worse than Dad.

“Can you wait to tell them please? I’m still feeling this out myself,” I admit, still pissed Jason didn’t fight harder today.

“Deal.” He squeezes me in a tight hug. “I’m starving if you feel like making dinner.”

“I think I can do that,” I agree.

Then I’m going to give Jason a piece of my mind.



I know the second I step into the club that something is wrong. It’s a sixth sense I have. It might be from my time in the military or growing up around this place. I’m guessing it’s a mix of both. I make my way across the main area, not spotting anything unusual. Pink is already behind the bar, setting up for the night. A handful of members and a few prospects linger around the pool tables.

They grow quiet when they see me closing in on them. I debate if I should tell Arch to get his ass here, but I’m itching for a fight. The way shit went down with Olivia’s dad earlier has me on edge. This isn’t going to end well for these poor bastards because I already know what this is going to be about. I have ears all over this place.

The fact that any of them still think they can pull the wool over my eyes pisses me off more. These are the types of people I don’t want here. Not only are they not trustworthy, but they’re too stupid to be a part of this place. It’s almost laughable that they think this shit isn’t going to get back to me.

Tags: Lucy Darling Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024