Struck Love - Page 31

A scream rips through the air. I bolt toward the sound, kicking in a bedroom door. Eddie is bent over, cupping his balls. His head jerks up, his eyes go wide when he sees it’s me. Olivia scurries to get up off the mattress on the floor.

“Jason.” She sobs my name, tears running down her face. Rage fills me at the sight. I know I told her old man that I was a changed man, but I’m about to kill a motherfucker.

“This isn’t what you think,” Eddie stutters as he backs away from me. His hand is still gripping his dick. I’m guessing Olivia nailed him good. I don’t miss the large hunting knife at his feet. I’m sure he dropped it when she nailed him.

Eddie's eyes go to it, but he stops when I raise my gun. “Come here, Olivia,” I order. She rushes over to me. “Take this and go outside.” I offer her the gun.


“Take the gun, baby, and go outside.” My voice is so calm I’m scaring myself. She takes the gun from my hand. Her finger slides over the safety, checking it. I had a feeling her brothers had trained her on how to use one. I’m also willing to bet they taught her whatever moves she used to get a nut shot on Eddie.

“I love you,” she says before she slips from the room, leaving Eddie and me all alone.



The second I step out the front door, I want to turn around and go back inside. What if he kills him? is all I can think. I know I should call the police, but I won’t. I have to trust Jason knows what he’s doing, but I’m still scared he might do something that will end up getting him taken away from me. That would kill me.

My head lifts when I hear a vehicle coming. I watch in surprise as my dad pulls in. He barely has his truck stopped before he throws it into park and he’s out the door running toward me.

“Dad! Go get Jason.” I point toward the door. He ignores me, wrapping me in his arms in a hug. “Dad, please!” I beg. “He’s going to kill him.” My dad doesn't look like he hates the idea. “Please. I love him.”

“All right, honey. Stay here. Your brothers will be here in a second.” I watch as he heads into the house.

Time drags by. Seconds feel like minutes. My brothers come rolling into the driveway not soon after. I plead with them too. Kane goes in, but Ben stays with me, taking the gun from my hand.

“You okay?” He looks me over.

“I’m fine. I knew Jason would come.”

“The man that took you is a part of Jason’s club.”

“Fuck you!” I hiss. My brother's eyes go wide in surprise at my outburst. I’m a bit surprised too. I don’t think I’ve ever said that to someone before. “For all we know he came after me because I’m the one who snuck into that club to find him,” I remind him. I hadn’t gone that night because of Jason. I didn’t even know him then. I got myself into this mess. No one else is responsible for Eddie taking me.

I already had this fight with my brothers this afternoon when I told them about Jason and me being together. It had come up when I overheard Kane and Ben talking about how Eddie had escaped out of holding somehow.

Not that it was our problem. Or at least we hadn’t thought it was because we’d already pulled his bail and handed him back over to the police. Never in a million years did I think Eddie would come looking for me. The reality is Eddie was spewing about both my family and Jason when he grabbed me.

I’m not an expert on drugs, but I could tell Eddie was stoned out of his mind when he dragged me into the van. I’d gone with him because of the knife. I knew I just had to wait for the right moment to fight him. I also knew I needed time. Jason knew who’d taken me. He would find me and he had.

“Olivia!” My dad shouts my name.

I bolt back into the house. When I enter the bedroom, I see Eddie on the floor, unconscious. His face is covered in blood. My older brother and dad are trying to hold Jason back.

“Can you help me here?” Kane asks. For a second, I think he’s talking to Ben, but I quickly realize he means me. They both have Jason pinned to the wall, and he’s fighting to free himself from them.

“Let him go.” I step in front of Jason. His eyes are almost feral. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life.

“I’m not so sure about that,” Ben says as he bends down to check if Eddie has a pulse.

Tags: Lucy Darling Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024