What If I Never (Necklace Trilogy 1) - Page 73

“No. I was about to go to the restaurant.”

“Want to go with me?”

“I’d love that.” I quickly call up to reception and tell them I’m taking a break.

A few minutes later, Bella and I are at a table, food unloaded and ready to eat. “I see you’re driving Dash’s car.”

“I am,” I say, feeling my cheeks heat. “My car, that really isn’t my car anymore—my mom still had my college junker for some reason—died on me. He generously let me borrow his.”

“He doesn’t let anyone drive his car, which is always a prized possession, especially as new as that one. But he let you.”

“Don’t read into it, Bella. Dash knows I leave in January. I think he feels safe with me for that reason.”

“I see how he looks at you.”

She’s the second person who’s said something like that to me. I don’t ask what she means because I don’t want either of us to read into her assessment. “We’re attracted to each other. I won’t pretend we’re not and now I’m changing the topic and turning it back on you. Are you dating anyone?”

“God, no. I’ve decided I’m not meant to find a partner in life. I seem to be drawn to players. You’d think Dash and I shared a father, but then again, I’ve kind of lived his father through his eyes. I read a book about that. We are creators of habit and radiate to what we know even if it’s bad.”

“But your father—”

“Is wonderful. I know. Maybe that means there’s hope for me.”

“I get it though. I don’t know if you figured this out at Tyler’s party but my father is Rob Wright.”

“Wait. What? He’s your father?”

“Yes. And I feel about him about the way Dash does his father. But the point is, that if a man finds out my father is my father, it shifts the dynamic. Even after I tell them I don’t want his money and I’ll give it away, they think they can change my mind. My mother didn’t even take his money.”

“He must have really hurt you, or was it her? Your mother?”

“Both,” I say. “At different times and in different ways.”

“The good news is this: you don’t have to worry about any of that money and power stuff with Dash,” she says. “He’s got his own money and fame. He doesn’t need his father’s. But on the same note, I like that he doesn’t have to worry that you want his money, either. If you’ll walk away from your birthright, you’ll walk away from him if he gives you too much shit.” She sobers then and says, “We’ve had struggles he and I. We’re kind of fucked up. There are probably reasons beyond the obvious why we’re both loners. But I like to think we’re both worth saving.”

There is torment in her eyes, real pain, that I’ve only glimpsed in Dash, but I now know he simply hides it better than Bella. Her phone buzzes with a text and she glances at her screen.

“Damn it. I have to go. I have another client melting down. Tell me again why I like my job? Sorry, Allie.”

“No worries. We’ll do it again.”

“I’d like that,” she says, squeezing my hand before she grabs her tray and heads to the trash.

I repeat her words in my head. I like to think we’re both worth saving.

Dash needs saving. That’s hard to process as real and I doubt he’d agree.


By Thursday, I’m so busy that I still haven’t had time to get a lockbox which amounts to, I’m still carrying around the necklace. I vow to go after hours today. With this in mind, I’m actually about to pack up my files and head out when, for the first time since our encounter in the parking garage, Tyler reappears, this time in the doorway. “We’re having cocktails tonight at Nova with my father. Be there in an hour.”

I blink. “I—what? Tonight? And why me?”

“He does it with all new employees.”

“I’m temporary.”

“Are you?”


“One hour,” he says. “Don’t be late.” He disappears into the hallway.

I dial Bella’s cellphone, which Dash gave me last night at her request. “Allie!” she answers. “I see Dash actually did what I said and gave you my number. Small miracles.”

I don’t even have a friendly greeting in me right now. “I’m suddenly having drinks with Tyler and his dad. What do I need to know?”

“Oh that. Jack Hawk does that with every new employee. It’s a test. No one knows the criteria. It will be weird and intimidating, but just be yourself. You’ll do fine. Oh, and after a schedule mess, my client is at Jason Aldean’s place tomorrow night. Will Dash be back in time?”

“I’m picking him up at six. He’ll be here. I’m sure he’ll still want to go.”

“Great. Now go get that meeting over with. Once is all you have to endure.”

Tags: Lisa Renee Jones Necklace Trilogy Erotic
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