A Perfect SEAL - Page 109

Harper scoots over slightly, putting some distance between us. “I’m sorry.”

“Why?” I ask, frowning.

“I’ve given you the wrong idea.” She shakes her head. “I shouldn’t have let things go so far.”

I knew I didn’t want to hear what she has to say. “Do you regret what happened?”

She looks to the side, finally shaking her head. “No. I should, but I don’t.” With a deep breath, she adds, “But that doesn’t matter. It can’t happen again.”

A few Greek curses escape under my breath. “Why not, Harper? Who would it hurt? You’re my wife. It is perfectly normal to make love to you.”

She swallows. “There is no normal for us, Jayson. Everything we have, everything we are, is an illusion.”

“No.” What is she talking about?

“Yes,” she insists. “We’re married, but only for a few more months. We both know getting physical will only complicate things.”

I grasp her hand, pressing it high against my thigh. “How much I want you isn’t an illusion.”

She tugs free of my hold. Harper meets my eyes, admitting to both of us what she’s been denying for so long. “I want you too, Jayson, but I’m not going to give in to that urge. I have to think of the long-term consequences. As much as I want you, I can’t let it happen.”

With a long sigh, I rake a hand through my hair. “I know I could change your mind. And you know it too.”

Harper nods. “You probably could, but it wouldn’t change anything. You know I’m right.”

I sigh again. She is infuriating. “Right now, agape mou, all I know is I will not sleep well tonight from frustration.”

She smiles tentatively. “I know the feeling.”

Watching the door to the nursery close behind Harper, it takes every ounce of willpower not to follow her and finish what we started. My body aches for her, and I know she feels the same. Harper admitted I could change her mind.

It’s tempting.

I curse myself, hating the fact I respect her decision, though it’s the right thing to do. I don’t believe sex, fucking, lovemaking, whatever you want to call it, would complicate things. After all I do want to keep her as my wife. But it’s right to honor her choice.

And I’ll do so.

For now, and reluctantly.

Maybe I’ll give her a few more days to sort out her confusion and realize she’s denying both of us for no real reason.

Harper will find it pretty difficult to deny herself, and me, when I make this my top priority.

Walking through the garden I hear someone, probably the landscaper, midway through telling a story involving his youngest brother and the family goat. I wonder who he’s talking to — I thought he was working alone?

When I come upon him, I see he’s talking to Harper.

Angelo falls silent for a moment before saying, “Kalimera, Kyrios Satyros.”

“Good afternoon,” I say coldly, and Angelo flinches.

Harper flinches as well when I turn my gaze on her. What the hell is she doing in the garden, filthy dirty, with the gardener? She swallows audibly. “Did you need something, Jayson?” She’s clearly trying to sound casual, but the tremble in her voice lets me know she’s anything but calm.

“I need my wife. I’ve been looking for you for the past two hours.” I curl my lip with contempt. “I should have known I would find you playing in the dirt.”

Her voice comes back with its usual disinterested tone. “Yes. Perhaps you should have. What do you want, Jayson?”

My eyes narrow. “You know the answer to that, agape mou.” Just a few days ago, the phrase was sweet nothings, as I fingered her. Now it sounds more like a threat than an endearment. “For starters, I would like my wife to behave with dignity. We have servants for these tasks.”

Tags: Jess Bentley Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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