A Perfect SEAL - Page 162

Father Daddy seems to wake up. He scowls at Brother Owen.

“What does that mean?” I ask.

“It doesn't mean anything,” Father Daddy replies. He leans forward and kisses me on both cheeks. “You’re a woman now, Angel. That’s all that matters.”

“Angel? Aren’t you going to give me a new name?”

“Angel is the best name possible,” he smiles. “That's exactly what you are.”

“Yes, you are our Angel,” Brother Owen continues. Father Daddy scowls at him again, but Brother Owen ignores that. “And you deserve to know the truth, don’t you agree, Silas?”

I feel the weight behind his words. He has more to tell me, and I watch him, waiting to see what he'll say and trying to seem open and accepting of his message.

“And you would accept any duty that you were given, isn't that true?” he finally asks me, grudgingly. Obviously he doesn’t want to say what he needs to say.

I nod emphatically. Of course I would. Anything.

“Even if it meant you had to leave us? To live among other men?”

My breath stalls in my throat.

“I — I don't know what you mean.”

“Everything has a value, Angel,” he continues quietly. “And what you possess may have the most value of all. It might even be able to save us. If it came to that.”

My mind trips over the thoughts. Save us? I have something of value? Something to sacrifice?

“Of course I would do anything I could for the Family,” I reply, trying to ignore the frantic sound of my heartbeat. “I only want to be of service.”

Brother Owen glances meaningfully at Father Daddy. He seems to say that he is satisfied with my answer.

“But I never want to leave you,” I continue. I don't want to say it, but the words tumble from my mouth anyway. “Just tell me what I need to do.”

Father Daddy strokes my hair comfortingly. “Let's just hope it doesn't come to that.” He sighs, shaking his head sadly.

Though I know my life is supposed to be used for whatever purpose they think is best, I know I need to stay here. This perfect moment, I never want it to end. I resolve to be the best that I can be, so they never want to let me go.

Chapter 69


I lick my lips as I leave the Ceremony, the sweet and salty taste of Angel still on my lips. I want to wash her flavor down with a whiskey at Dustin’s, but my lust is still high in my belly. I need to release.

It’s hard to walk with my shaft this thick and heavy inside my pants. Whether I come or not, I usually am able to walk properly after a ceremony. But there’s something different about this one. She is perfect, in every way. Sweet, supple. Innocent, but naturally filled with her own flames of lust.

My cock throbs. It’s almost painful.

I barely make it inside my own door before I pull my fly down and free myself from the confines of the denim fabric. My fingers wrap around the familiar heaviness, but this time I feel hotter and thicker than usual. I see her mouth in my mind, that glistening, candy pink mouth. And I imagine plunging into her as she licks the underside of my shaft, her small tongue slipping naturally and eagerly around the knots of skin there.

“Angel,” I whisper to the empty room, as the planks of the barnboard creak with the movement of my weight, back and forth, back and forth. It only takes a few strokes before I spurt. The semen comes out fast and in thick ropes. All for her, her little mouth, her innocent sex. Imagining breaching her own little knot of skin in back.

When I catch my breath, I pull up my pants and quickly clean myself up.

The power this girl has is something fierce. I have to sit down and think all this over with a clear head. If there’s any other way to save the Family, if Silas won’t agree to let her go.

But first I grab my secret stash of whiskey from the hiding place under one of the planks, and take a swig straight from the bottle. The images of Dustin’s men taking Angel for themselves is intruding on my good feelings, and drink is the only way to dull the jealousy that roars inside.

Chapter 70

Tags: Jess Bentley Romance
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