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Lunchtime Chronicles: Naked Sushi

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He placed his hand in his jacket, pulled out a black card, and held it in front of me. “I won’t be in New York for long, but I have a proposition for you.”

I didn’t take the card. “I don’t date anyone from these parties.”

He kept the card in front of me. “What if I hire you for a job?”

“What would the job deal with?”

“Sushi.” He slipped his gaze up and down my body.

“You want me to eat sushi?”

“No. I want to eat sushi… off of you.”

I widened my eyes. “Sorry, but that’s a no.”

“You never asked about the price.”

“I only dance, and when I do, it’s for Mr. Meade’s events.” I rose and brushed off my feathered skirt. “Have a good night.”

Licking his lips, he tucked the card back in his jacket. “We’ll discuss this again.”

We won’t.

I headed away, turning my back to him. Seconds later, instinct told me to glance over my shoulder. When I did, I spotted Reo watching me with predatory hunger in his eyes. And for a dangerous second, I yearned for him to eat me up.


The To-do List



he next morning, I left the bedroom of our rented mansion.

Ali had rented it for the month before we arrived. It had ten bedrooms and ten bathrooms. A full staff came with it, ready to pamper and serve.

However, the size of the estate wasn’t what was most important. I needed a property with a proper torture chamber and a good drainage system. This one had a windowless chamber, built underground. The thick walls were constructed so that screams couldn’t penetrate them.

My phone rang.

I pulled it out, checked the screen, and then answered. “We have him.”

Amusement laced the Dragon’s dark voice. “That was quick. Is Footman dead?”

“No.” Uneasiness set over me. “I want time with him.”

His disappointed silence filled the line.

Still holding the phone to my ear, I met Ali at the end of the hallway.

The Dragon spoke, “How long?”

“I would like a week with Footman.”

“No more than three days.”

Ali guided me to a set of stairs that led to the mansion’s basement.

I spoke, “Kenji, if I can get the names and addresses of his serial killer buddies, it will resolve future problems.”

“A Dragon’s roar always remains close to the beast.”

I smiled. “Surely, the creature can be silent for seven days.”

No humor sounded in his voice. “No more than three.”

“Then, I’ll be quick.”

“And don’t get killed.” He hung up.

Ali and I got to the bottom of the steps.

Way too excited, Ali opened the metal door in front of us. “I hope you love this as much as I do.”

“I doubt I will.” Entering, I scanned the walls and stopped at the lit candles in the corner. “There’s no electricity down here?”

“There is, but I thought the candles would induce horror and despair during the torture.”

“Footman’s twisted mind is too strong to be shaken by candles.”

Disappointment covered Ali’s face. “You want me to get rid of the candles?”

“Keep them. I like the ambience.” I walked over to the trapdoor on the floor in the corner and tapped my foot on it. “What does this go to?”

Excitement beamed on Ali’s face once more as he rushed over to it. “It would be more fun to show you, instead of tell you.”

I sighed. “Then, have your fun, Ali.”

A wide smile spread across his face. He lowered and twisted a triangular steel knob. A click sounded. The trap door slowly lifted. A horrific scent filled the air.

Many people have died here.

I leaned over to get a better look. Rippling murky water greeted my eyes. Something moved in its depth.

In pure happiness, Ali moved his hands around as he explained, “This house has secret passages, underground tunnels, and trap doors.”

“Who owns this place?”

“The island’s affluent Catholic church.”

“Why would a church need a torture chamber and secret tunnels?”

“I wondered that myself, sir. I’ve not had the proper time to research the matter further.”

“And you won’t while we’re here. I need you to work on a side project for me.”

Ali gave me a sly smile. “The woman in red.”

“You’re perceptive as always.”

“I already have two men watching her. They’ll have her address and phone number soon.”

“Don’t forget dress size and favorite color.”

“Anything else?”

I consider my last conversation with her. “Find out if she goes to a specific park a lot?”

Ali held a tickled expression, probably wondering what I would do with the information.

“Also, discover her favorite cafes or restaurants.”

“I’ll get Jerry on it since he loves food.”

“Excellent choice. And of course have a conversation with Blake Meade. He should have more information on her.”

“I’ll call him after this.”

Still looking into the trapdoor, I spotted small black animals swimming in the water. “What’s in there?”

“South American fish-eating rats. The owner bought them and put them in the waters. There’s a bunch of them burrowed under here.”

“And I assume they’re very hungry.”

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