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Lunchtime Chronicles: Naked Sushi

Page 23

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“Let me go!”

It barely affected him. “Scream all you want. He’ll never be able to save you.”

Reo’s voice sounded in the room. “I will.”

Dripping wet, Reo stood by the opened painting and pulled the trigger. A boom came. The bullet zipped by, slicing through the side of the man’s head. Blood sprayed on my shoulder and face. His hold loosened. His body fell back.

The scream lodged in my throat.

My mouth hung open.

My body froze.

“Layla, are you okay?” Reo’s voice sounded distant and far away.

I think he picked me up.

“Layla, talk to me.”

Fear seized me.


Another voice sounded. “Is she okay, sir?”

“Yes, but she’s in shock. Get the plane ready.”




One year later.


olding the black velvet box, I gazed at Reo. “What’s this?”

“You’ll only know when you open it.” He stepped in front of me and touched the curls outlining my face. “I love how you have your hair this evening. It’s magnificent.”

“Thank you.” I swallowed. “I’m nervous.”

“You shouldn’t be.”

“I want to give a good first impression. You’ve talked about the Dragon—”

“Call him, Kenji. His wife doesn’t like the nickname.”

“Why not?”

“She doesn’t like to be reminded of the fact that she’s married to a beast.”

“I can understand that.” I studied him.

While Reo dressed in a designer suit and had the most gentlemanly of manners, he was a killer. I’d learned that when he saved me.

I learned a lot from living with him in Tokyo this year. There was no denying the power that he wielded in this city. When he walked the streets, people crossed it. Most feared even giving him full eye contact.

And because he’d announced his protection and love for me, no one dared to disrespect me. In fact, most treated me like a queen.

Reo touched my chin and brought my view to him. “What’s on your mind?”

“I’m thinking about how much my life has changed.”

“For the good?”


He kissed me and nodded towards the box in my hand. “Open it.”

Smiling, I lifted the velvet top off the box. A ruby bracelet greeted me. The fine gems boasted a pure, vibrant red.

“I thought this would be better than a red string.”

I looked at him. “You’re always spoiling me.”

“This bracelet isn’t about spoiling.” He lifted my hand and kissed my empty ring finger. “Do you understand what will be coming next?”

“We’re taking our time.”

“Maybe.” He placed the ruby bracelet on my wrist and then kissed the ring finger again. “Or maybe we’re just delaying the inevitable.”

“It’s good to take our time.”

“We already know we’re fated. You will be my wife.”

My heart warmed. “And you will be my husband.”

“And there will be kids.”


“Just three or four. We can’t have an only child. There must be siblings.”

“We’re taking our time.”

“Maybe.” He gently put my hand down and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Speaking of siblings. How’s Tina?”

“Her writing poetry is helping. When she called today, that was all she talked about.”

“Art heals. And if this ends up being her passion, then it may keep her sober.”

“I hope so. I’m nervous about her leaving rehab in a few months.”

“I believe in Tina. I’ve watched her progress. She’ll be fine. Plus, I’ll have my men monitoring her.”

Someone knocked.

Ali entered our bedroom. “They’re here.”

“He’s early.” Reo frowned. “How’s his mood?”

“Still, pissed.”

I raised my eyebrows. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing big.”

Ali grinned. “It’s just a little mosquito buzzing.”

Reo kissed my cheek and took my hand. “One that will be dead with a simple swat of the hand.”

I glared at him. “Are you being careful?”

“As always, my love.” Reo led me away. “But for now, let’s focus on this dinner.”

My nerves flared.

“Kenji is suspicious of new people, yet he knows how protective I am of you. Therefore, he’s allowed you time to heal and get used to our life.”

Ali raised a finger. “And now it’s time for the Dragon’s perusal.”

Tension built in my chest.

Reo frowned at Ali. “Don’t worry. He’ll be on his best behavior.”

I calmed down. “Okay.”

Reo tenderly squeezed my hand. “You’ll be fine.”

Ali opened the door for us. “I’ve checked out the décor and singers. Already, I’m impressed. Surely, you’ll impress them both, Layla. You have a knack for party planning.”

“I’ve worked at enough of them. Hopefully, he likes it.”

“In the end, it doesn’t matter.” Reo stopped me in the hallway and targeted me with an intense gaze. “You’re mine. My love. My life. And one day, my wife. I don’t need anyone’s approval.”

My eyes watered.

“I love you, Layla.”

“I love you too.”

Ali clapped. “And I love you both.”

Reo sighed and led me forward. “Let’s get this dinner over with. I very much want to mess up those curls afterwards.”

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