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Always With You (Forever Yours 2)

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“We shouldn’t.” I pull away from him, making a decision, going with my head rather than my heart. “We shouldn’t do this.…” I slide off the couch. “I should go to bed. Before…”

He’s panting, just like me. His eyes are hooded with desire, but he knows what I’m talking about, and he nods. So, with every scrap of will power that I have, I break the intense eye contact we are sharing, and I run to my bedroom. I slam the door behind me, slide to the floor and start to panic. The last time we did that, he ran…

Chapter 12 – Ted

After a night of very little sleep, I’m definitely not in the right frame of mind to be making any life changing decisions today. Unfortunately, because of my behavior last night, I’ve left myself with no choice. I got caught up in the heat of the moment, and I couldn’t resist kissing Chloe. What an idiot.

That was the best kiss that I have ever had, even better than I remember from the last time, but that shouldn’t have happened because I have to leave again. I don’t really want to, but I have to keep her safe. And, the sooner I leave, the less heartache I leave behind. Both hers and mine.

“Morning.” She’s blushing already. “How are your ribs feeling?”

“Er, good.”

Chloe isn’t meeting my eyes, but to be fair, I’m not meeting hers either. “You want coffee?”

I cringe. I probably shouldn’t have made myself so at home that I’m offering her coffee in her own house, but thankfully she nods. It gives me a break so I can head to the kitchen and collect myself.

What am I doing? Out here running to the other room like an immature teenager. Good grief.

But let’s face it. When I man up and tell her I am leaving again, she will be pissed, and I will do what I do best, and act unaffected. I’m leaving for her own good.

At least when I get some space, I won’t crave her like I do now being this close. I can’t control myself around her, case and point, last night.

“It’s to keep her safe,” I whisper, to remind myself of all the reasons I thought about last night.

With a bit more confidence in my decision, I take the drinks back into the living room where Chloe is twisting her hands anxiously.

“So, I’ll be taking off today,” I tell her in a tone much more convincing than I feel. I sound ridiculous. “I have to make a move anyway, get another motorcycle or maybe a car or something. Then I need to meet up with some people, straighten some things out.”

“Some people.” Her face falls as she parrots me. I can almost see the cogs ticking in her brain and she is expecting the worst. I guess she assumes that I’m heading back to a life of crime. Probably for the best that she thinks this so she doesn’t try to keep in touch with me, anyone associated with me is in danger. “Yes, of course. I understand.”

Her face is stoic. But I know her and can read her body language. She’s hurt and confused. This has been an amazing few days, didn’t start off so good. But spending time with her reminded me of better times in my life. And I feel like we are on better terms than I left on last time.

“Thank you for everything that you have done for me, Chloe, I really do appreciate it. It means a lot to me.”

“It’s been good to see you.” As our eyes connect, a million and one unsaid things float between us. “I missed you. Can we… keep in touch this time?”

I know it’s not a good idea, but I don’t want to lose her again, so I nod. “Sure, you have my number.”

“We can text every once and a while maybe then.”

The air is thick again. The energy between us is palpable. It’s like we’re magnets and the universe wants us to be together.

Knock, knock. The sound of someone banging on Chloe’s door shocks us out of our bubble and jolts us apart. Knock, knock. We stare at one another in shock, not quite sure who could be here this early. Knock, knock.

“I better go answer that.” Chloe points awkwardly towards the door. “Hold on.”

I find it hard to catch my breath once she’s gone. I realize as she walks away that leaving Chloe is going to be harder than I thought it was going to be.

“You know where he is?” The voice from the front door travels through the house and I’m shocked to recognize it. My heart starts pounding and I sweat as I slide off the couch and peek through the blinds. “Is he here?”

I leap off the couch and run. That’s my father. I told him not to come looking for me, but he’s here. For some reason, he knows where to find me and that has tears streaming down my face. I told him not to come for the same reason that I’m leaving Chloe, but my God it’s amazing to have him here.

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