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Always With You (Forever Yours 2)

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“And you don’t have to. We are here to help.” Dad nods determinedly. “And it helps that you are here with Chloe. At least we know that you are safe here.”

I nod. Chloe never wanted me to leave in the first place. Maybe she will be happy that I am going to stay. It might not have been in the plan, but I don’t exactly have a plan, so this might work.

Chapter 13 – Chloe

I unlock the door to find a house filled with people. I can’t stop myself from smiling because I didn’t expect them to stay after Ted told me he was leaving this morning. I didn’t really get to say goodbye to Ted this morning because his parents showed up. Things may have changed with his parents here now though. I hope he’s still staying…

“Chloe, I cooked for you,” Ted’s mom calls out. “I wanted to say thank you for everything.”

“Ooh, it smells delicious, you always were the best chef in the world. You need to teach your son.”

She laughs and nods. “Yes, he has been telling me all about his culinary disasters.” She rolls her eyes. “I will teach him everything that I know when I get the chance. Although I don’t know when I will have enough time.”

When I get to the table, I’m shocked to see only two plates laid out. I thought that we would all be eating together. Now, it seems me and Ted are going to be alone… so I guess that he is staying.

“Yes, sorry, we have reservations,” Ted’s mom informs me. “We are staying at a hotel nearby. I hope that’s okay. And I know that he has already asked too much of you, but is it okay if he stays here for longer?”

“Oh of course.” I’m actually relieved for her to say that. I don’t want him to go. “Ted can stay as long as he likes.”

“We are going to fix this, we just need some time, that’s all. Thank you so much, Chloe.”

I don’t really know what they mean by ‘fix things’, I suppose it could have something to do with the police and whatever Ted was worried about, but I don’t question it. Instead, I accept the hug that I am offered.

“You are welcome,” I murmur into her chest. “I don’t mind at all. Anything to help.”

Soon after, Ted’s parents leave and it’s just me and Ted. There is a little bit of awkwardness between us, but thankfully there is some good food for us to dive into.

“Your parents are looking well,” I say with a smile. “They must be happy where they are living now. My mom is the same. Since she moved to England. I keep thinking that I should visit her, but I haven’t had the chance yet. Or the money, it’s an expensive trip.” God, I’m babbling. Stop it. “Anyway…”

“Yes, they are looking good,” he agrees, a little stiffly. “It’s strange to have them here though, I’m shocked that they came to you first, looking for me. They don’t even know about the crash…”

“Oh, you didn’t tell them?” I cock a shocked eyebrow. “Good thing I didn’t mention it.”

“Mom has been worried enough about me, I don’t want to make it worse.”

As he sighs heavily, I wonder if this is the the right time to ask for more details. I mean, he is staying here after all. I should know what I am getting into. His parents came here frantic for God’s sake. Obviously, it’s more serious than I thought.I don’t know if I want to know. Maybe it’s better knowing nothing.

Once we have finished eating, there are no more distractions. I don’t know if I should bring up the kiss or not…

Annnnd, there’s my answer. Teds hands are on my face, pulling me in for another kiss. God, I could get used to this.

“Sorry,” he gasps as he pulls away. For one heart stopping moment, I’m scared that he’s going to stop this just like I did last night. “I don’t want to stop this tonight”

Those words ignite every nerve ending in my body, I can’t hold back anymore. I rise up on to my tip toes, hook my hand around the back of his neck, and drag him in for another passionate kiss. His hands stroke down my back, gently caressing my spine, and I know there’s no turning back.

“Come with me.” I lace my fingers through his and hold on to his hand tightly, leading him to my room.

I feel like I’ve been waiting my whole life to say those words out loud to Ted. My teenage self is spiraling while my adult self is so full of want, there is no holding back. My heart is pounding with every step we take.

There’s no coming back from this. If we sleep together, I won’t let him leave. He’s as good as mine. And, even though he left me before when we got serious, I am going to do whatever I can to convince him that he needs to stay. With his parents here saying the same thing, I feel like he can’t go anywhere.

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