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Always With You (Forever Yours 2)

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“Don’t get the cops involved?” Okay, this really bad. “Okay, so I just stay in hiding.”

“Here with Chloe is perfect because people don’t know about your connection. You are safe here for the time being. As long as Chloe is alright with you being here. We don’t want to ask any more of her…”

“Er, yes.” Chloe doesn’t know enough for me to give an honest answer to this. “She’s fine. I’m sure.”

Dad looks visibly relieved. “I don’t know what we would do without. We need her now more than ever.”

A thick ball of guilt rolls into my throat, making it hard to breathe. I did this to myself.

“So, what’s the deal with Chloe?” I’m shocked by Dad’s question. I actually take a step back. “Are you guys just friends? Or is there something more between you? I wouldn’t want to interfere with your private life because obviously you’re an adult now, but I need to know who we need to protect. I mean, I need to protect her anyway, but how much. If she is your girlfriend, then she’s even more of a target…”

I gulp and shake my head. I can’t admit to my dad that I have been sleeping with Chloe. It makes me look and feel like an irresponsible asshole.

“No, she is just my friend. I don’t want to make anything too complicated at the moment.”

“Probably for the best.” Dad pats my shoulder gratefully. “Now I just need to keep one eye on her. Obviously, I am going to keep doing my research and see what I can do next, this is far from over, but for now we need to keep quiet and not let people know that you’re here.”

I nod numbly. Shit, this is bad. To be honest, when I heard that my uncle had been killed, I thought that the worst had happened. But this is so much worse. Plus, my father has been digging, which I know that he has to, but it might draw even more attention to me. I might need to lie low, but I also need to make a plan. I don’t know what I’m going to do, but I have to start thinking about safety in a serious way. It’s time to get my head out of lala land and back to real life. Before reality catches up and kills me and the people I love.

“Yeah, I can do that.” I need my father to be reassured. I don’t want him to panic any more than he already is. “I can keep out of sight, but you need to be careful as well. I love you, Dad.”

He says nothing but hugs me tight. This is a fucking mess. I hate it.

Chapter 15 – Chloe

“Hey, how are you?” I say when I walk through the door, I’m glad to see Ted. Gone is the weary woman who wanted to be alone to get rid of the stresses if the day. To be honest, the stresses of the day can’t get to me when I know that I’m coming home to him. “I’m starving …”

I trail off once I spot Ted’s expression. He no longer looks like himself. The weight of the world now rests on his shoulders, and I’m scared to ask what’s going on.

“What’s going on?” I move slowly close to him, my heart now pounding in my chest. “You look upset.”

I’ve gotten too comfortable with the life that him and I have been sharing over the last few days. Even though Alex warned me, I haven’t wanted to listen… but she’s right. Of course she is.

“I have just had a shitty day, that’s all.” His shoulders slump forwards. “My dad came to see me, and…”

He doesn’t finish his sentence. I really want him to, but I can’t quite find the courage to ask. I part my lips a couple of times, but no words seem to come out. I don’t know if I want to know…

“Sorry.” Ted forces a smile on his face, “I don’t mean to be a Debbie downer. How was your day?”

“Are you running out on me?” I ignore his question. I can’t even begin to think about my day right now. “Because if you’re going to leave, I would rather be prepared for it. I can’t go through that shock again. It’s too much.”

“What makes you think that?” Is he serious? “I’m staying right here, even if, you know, I probably shouldn’t…”

“Oh God, I can’t take this anymore.” My hands fly on to my hips. The fear is completely overshadowed with anger. “Tell me what the hell is going on, Ted. I need to know. Where have you been over the last six years? What exactly have you been doing? Why were you on your bike, crashing outside of my house? Why did you freak out about the police in the hospital? What did your dad mean about “fixing it”? FIXING WHAT?”

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