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Always With You (Forever Yours 2)

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“Oh, Chloe.” I love the way that he groans my name. He sounds like he’s in equal amounts of pleasure and pain. “Chloe, you feel fucking amazing.” He grabs my hips, my ass.

Every thrust at this angle, grinds against my already sensitive clit, so it isn’t long before I’m crying out in bliss all over again. The second the orgasm consumes me, Ted finds it easy the flip me over on to my back so he can take back control. This is the hottest sex of my life.

His mouth crashes against mine and he kisses me hard as the pleasure claims him as well. Our bond deepens, I feel us connect on yet another level, which is even harder because he’s going to be gone soon.

“Oh wow.” He collapses on top of me, and I hold him tight.

I know this is goodbye, but I can’t concentrate on my feelings right now. For now, I just want to be here in the moment with him.

Chapter 20 – Ted

She’s sleeping in her bed like a beautiful angel I want to hold on to forever. But, I have to go. This is for her own good and she knows it, that’s why she hasn’t fought it.

“I need to go now,” I whisper as I tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “I’m sorry. I love you, Chloe. I have always loved you.”

Tears are streaming down my face, but I know I’m doing the right thing and that’s what keeps me going. I pause by the door frame of her bedroom to blow her a kiss, but that’s it.

I creep down the stairs and towards the front door, trying to be as silent as possibly. No need to say goodbye, we did that without words already. Besides, I couldn’t look her in the eye to say goodbye even if I wanted to. That would break me.

As I step outside, I get a chill running down my spine, and instantly I’m paranoid. I have a horrible feeling that someone is watching me, but that’s just because of what happened with my dad. It’s nothing.

With my head on a swivel, I pick up the pace, practically running until I get to the hotel, and I burst into the bedroom, like I’m expecting the worst, but Mom is fine. Sleeping in her clothes on top of the duvet cover, alive. I can relax and try to get some sleep.

Eventually, I drift off into a fitful night of sleep where I dream about all the people who have died. I see Stix and my uncle, my father too, and all of them are yelling at me for everything that I have done wrong.

The nightmare ends as I wake up in a pool of my own sweat. I slept for two hours, but it’s better than nothing.


“Not long now,” I reassure my mom as I pace at the airport, unable to sit still. I need to get on the plane or I’m afraid I’ll change my mind. The idea that Chloe might be waking up without me is killer.

“I know. And then we’ll be back home.” Mom looks sad. She’s going to struggle for a while, so I’m glad to help her. “back to… to life.”

Oh God, she’s about to cry again, and that’s about the only thing that gets me to sit. “Mom, I’m sorry…”

“Talk to me about how it went with Chloe,” she interjects quickly, probably so that we don’t have to cry in public. “I take it you saw her. You were gone for quite a while…”

A heat flames in my cheeks as I think about the way that we spent last night. It was bittersweet in so many ways, but we just couldn’t help ourselves. I hope that it’s a good memory for her, I know I’ll never forget it.

“I did,” I admit. “Sorry for being a while, we needed to talk.”

“It’s okay. I knew you would.” She rests her hand on top of mine. “You love her, don’t you?”

I stare at my mother in shock. How does she still know me so well after all this time? It shows that I haven’t changed a ton if my mom can still read me like she used to.

“I do.” There’s no point in hiding it. “I think that I might have always loved her, but I screwed that up.” I let out an awkward sound that’s supposed to be a laugh but doesn’t come out. “But love isn’t enough. Not when it’s putting her in danger.”

Mom doesn’t say anything for a few moments, she simply nods. I lean against her, taking a bit of comfort from her, even though we’re both broken.

“You will fall in love again,” Mom eventually rasps to me. “I know that it might not seem like it now, but you will. You’ll find happiness, and all of this will just be a distant memory.”

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