Always With You (Forever Yours 2) - Page 40

Although if I’m not the first person that has been in this room, my yelling will make a difference.

Chapter 24 – Ted

I hate this. It’s like stepping into a nightmare. But Chloe needs me. That’s what brought me to some of the people I used to know, most of whom were surprised to find me still alive, and that’s what has me driving down this long dusty road to a place on the out skirts of the city, where the gang has their headquarters. Hopefully, Chloe is there, and they let her go. An even trade.

After that, I don’t know.

“I guess this is it,” I whisper to myself as I see a building in the distance.

I don’t know that for sure, no one could confirm where Chloe is, there isn’t a lot of intel on the street. Just that this is where the majority of their club business is done. So, I have to assume. Unless the worst has already happened, but I don’t want to think about that possibility. I can’t or I will lose my shit and I’m only just about holding it together as it is.

I remind myself. “Just have to get Chloe out of here, that’s it. I’ll worry about the rest after..”

I just need a tiny second to say goodbye, that’s it. My life flickers through my mind, the good times and the bad, leaving me with just one image left… her beautiful face, the love of my life, the only woman who I would ever throw myself in front of a bullet for. And then it’s time…

I step out of the car, in just a tee shirt and jeans. I don’t suppose that it will make any difference but I would prefer them to know that I’ve come without weapons, that I’m not a danger. Not that they will care. If they’ve gone to all of this trouble just to get me here, then they only have one mission in mind, and here I am.

“Hello?” I yell out with my hands in the air in a surrendering gesture. “It’s Ted Landon. I know it’s me that you want, not her.” Nothing happens, not at first, which has me sick that I might be in the wrong place. “Hello?”

Time seems to tick slowly. So much so I nearly give up, but eventually, a shadow seems to creep out of the door and I find myself face to face with a younger guy who quite frankly, shouldn’t be here. He’s another person led to believe that he will have a good life with the gang. What a shame, I would like to tell him otherwise, but this isn’t the time or place for that.

“You’re Ted?” His eyes run doubtingly up and down me. “You’re the guy? The one who’s here to tie up loose ends?” I shrug my shoulders. I guess if that’s what they want to call it… “Okay, wait here. I will be back.”

My hands fall down by my sides as I wait. I don’t know what the fuck the protocol is here, but I suppose I’m about to find out.

“Well, well, well…” This man is gruffer, older. He has a scar running down his cheek which appears to have been there for a while. “Little Teddy Landon, nephew of that lying, stealing asshole…”

“I didn’t know anything about that,” I insist immediately. “I had no part in it. I didn’t know anything was happening. I was just some stupid errand boy.”

“Oh, I know, but unfortunately, I can’t let this shit slide. You know how it is.” He shrugs as if he literally has no choice in the matter. I want to punch him in his stupid face. Who the fuck does this guy think he is? If he didn’t have Chloe in there, I might have been tempted to say something back. “And when people know that you’re still living… well, it gives people an excuse in the future. People can act like they didn’t know what was going on and live to do it again.”

“But I didn’t know what was going on. I had no idea. It isn’t an excuse and you just said you knew that.”

“Yeah well… life is shit and then you die. Sorry to say that today is your day.”

A gun flings in my face again, taking me back to that moment the bullet hit my father. I stiffen with panic.

“Where is Chloe?” I demand. “I’m here now, so let her go. She has nothing to do with this.”

The guy rolls his eyes. “Who the fuck is she to you, huh? Your uncle would die if he knew some random bitch working at a hospital was your weakness. But he’s dead, so here we are. How bout this, I bring her out here to say goodbye and then we’re good.”

“We won’t be good until I know that she is safe,” I insist. I haven’t come all the way here just to have her killed. “I want to watch her drive away.”

Tags: Mia Ford Forever Yours Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024