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Always With You (Forever Yours 2)

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“Of course I will.” I don’t need to hesitate, there is no question at all.

I notice that Ted is trembling as he slides the ring on to my hand. He must be so nervous. Once the ring is firmly on my finger, he rises to his feet and kisses me with everything that he has inside of him, stopping only when my mom and Aaron wrap their arms around us to envelop us in a hug.

“Oh, and there is one more surprise.” I don’t know if I can take any more as Ted pulls back from everyone once more. “It’s a good thing that you said yes otherwise this next thing would be weird.” As he laughs, I really don’t know what to say. “I brought these plane tickets for all of us.” He turns to face the video call that I forgot he was having with his mom. “I got one for you too, Mom. I thought that we could go and get married right now, in Hawaii, while we have all the family in America.”

“Yes!” I squeal. “I love that plan. Can we?”

I glance around to see Ted’s mom, my own mother, and Aaron nodding eagerly. We will be eloping with our families by our side. How crazy is that?

“Off to Hawaii then?” I cock an eyebrow in joy and shock. “Oh, but work…”

“I’ve already covered it with your work and mine. There is nothing to worry about.” He nudges me playfully in the side. “And I have a ticket for Alex as well. I’m sure that she wants to come.”

“You are really growing on Alex,” I tease. “You keep doing things like this and she will finally trust you!”

And for the first time in a long time, there’s no looking back.

Epilogue – Ted

Three Years Later…

Life in the rat race is hard, but enjoyable. I don’t ever complain even when I have to work late, because I always remember where I could have been, where I nearly ended up, and I’m grateful.

I mean, however shitty my day is, I get to go home to Chloe Landon at the end of the day, my gorgeous wife, and Olivia, my beautiful two-year-old daughter. What could be better than spending time with my family.

“Oh, hi, Mom.” I place my cell phone to my ear. “Sorry I’ve just finished work.”

“You’re working late today!” She sounds proud. “I just wanted to check in on you because I’m going out later on tonight…”

“Oh, I forgot you had a date tonight.” I’m pleased to hear this, as weird as it is to think of her being with someone who isn’t my father, I prefer it to her being alone. “How is it going with Mr. what’s his name? Sorry, I can’t remember?”

“William, and you will love him. Next time you bring the family up to visit you can meet him.”

I glance upwards as if Dad might be looking down on me. The afterlife isn’t something that I ever really believed in but now it brings me comfort when I miss people the most. The idea that my deceased family members could still be out there somewhere watching down on me while I go through life. helps me move past all the guilt I’ve harbored.

If my father could see me now, I know that he would be proud. He always wanted us all to be happy.

“That sounds good, Mom. I’m just going to pop into the store on the way home from work. Get a little treat to take back with me for the girls. Maybe some flowers or chocolates or something.”

“I can’t believe how romantic you have become!” Mom laughs. “It’s so sweet. I bet you wouldn’t be like that if you had been with Chloe when you were younger. It’s everything that you have been through that’s made you like this.”

I pause for a second and consider this, realizing that she’s right. I probably wouldn’t be like this. I might even take Chloe for granted because she would have always been there. It’s been hard to find a positive in so much tragedy but if this is one then I will be happy with that. It’s made me a better person. It’s made me more aware of all the beauty in the world, and I have a lot of beauty in mine.

“Yeah, probably. But I will call you tomorrow, Mom. Have a good time on your date.”

We say our goodbyes and hang up the phone, giving me the chance to go into the store. I love spoiling them as much as I can. Everything that I do, I do for them.

In the store, I see my old boss, Robert, and we chat for a little while. He was sad to see me go, but he was happy for me accomplishing my goals and we have become good friends ever since. Of course, we have our own busy lives, so we don’t get to see one another too much but when we do it’s awesome. Him and all of my friends at the warehouse, plus the new friends that I have at my job now make me realize how lucky I am. During my time with Stix, I never really had any friends, so again, I’m grateful.

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