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Back to You (Forever Yours 1)

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“Wow, you have had an interesting four years since you left high school, haven’t you?”

I don’t want to get my hopes up, but the man interviewing me seems to like me. He hasn’t taken my traveling as a sign of someone who doesn’t know how to settle down and work hard, it sounds like he likes my willingness to try new things and jump in. I haven’t seen the other job interviews that he has done, so I don’t know how he has acted with other applicants, but I have a good feeling here.

“Thank you.” I smile at him gratefully. “It’s been fun, and I’ve learned a lot, but I’m back now and looking for a job that I can grow in. I think that Aqua Emporium is perfect for me…”

“I agree.” I stop dead in my tracks. Is he… saying what I think he is? I squeeze my hands tight trying not to look too eager. “I think that this is the perfect place for you. I have interviewed a lot of people today and not been impressed by any of them. I feel like you have the personality to fit in with everyone. You’re the last person that I’m going to interview today, so I feel no problem offering you the job. If you want it?”

“For real?” I gush, unable to hold myself back. “You really want me to work for you? I would love to.”

“Perfect.” He grins from ear to ear. “I will make sure that all the paperwork is ready for you with human resources in the morning. I will take you to the office. I can show you around if you want. Let you see all of the departments, including your own. You’ll need to know where to go tomorrow.”

“Oh my God, that’s amazing. Thank you so much.” I want to scream and shout. I want to celebrate, but I need to remain professional. “I can’t wait to start.”

I barely notice the office around me as I walk through it, I am too busy mentally planning which bill I will pay first. The mortgage, maybe. Then the electricity. Then maybe the water. I don’t know, I obviously need to get to all of it before collections call and things get shut off. This is the first positive step I’ve taken in this town since I graduated high school.


I lay out my “first day of work” outfit out on my bed and smile. I feel like this is real progress. I feel like I belong here. Okay, so I don’t exactly have any friends here or anything yet, but I haven’t ever had long term friends after Sadie anyway. And my love life isn’t even worth talking about, but a life to help someone else, especially my dad, is as worthwhile as it’s ever going to be.

“This is better than doing nothing. This is for my dad.” I don’t know what part of myself I am talking to. The bit which feels guilty for having any kind of life at all when my friend doesn’t. Or maybe the part which is just focused on what’s happening next, pretending like nothing ever happened. “Dad needs me to step up, so here we go”

When I am traveling, I move so much, I don’t have time to stop and think about what Sadie has missed out on after she died. Being back in this town, getting a job makes me feel anxiety. It’s almost like I forgot what I came here for; help my dad, try and get some closure.

“I need to visit her,” I whisper to myself. “I need to see where they put her.” I haven’t been there to see it since they lowered Sadie into the ground and my life fell apart. Maybe if I go there and talk to her, I’ll feel better.

Sadly, even if this is cathartic for me, I don’t think anyone will ever be able to get as close to me as Sadie did. I won’t let them.

Chapter 14 – Garrett

There is a heaviness in my heart as I walk into the office. A real sense that today is not going to be good. I woke up with a big black cloud hanging over my head and I haven’t managed to shake it. The shower didn’t work, getting dressed didn’t help either, nor did the walk to the office. I’m fucked before the day can even begin.

“Hey, guess what…” one of the guys from the accounting team whose name I always struggle to remember, Sam, I think, grabs my arm hard. “We have a new woman working for us, in place of Emily who left last month. She’s cute, you will like her. Dark, wavy hair, petite, curvy, dark brown eyes…”

Urgh, I really don’t need this right now. I don’t care about some chick. Even less if everyone is going to be fawning after her. I’m sure that the intrigue will fade over the week, when the novelty wears off, but today will all be about the new girl. I want to go home.

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