Always (Always & Forever 1) - Page 21

"I need to remember to call your last boyfriend and thank him. You wouldn't be here tonight if he hadn't ended things today," Avery said. He was as close to Kane as he could get. "I can follow your lead in this. We can wait if you want, but I want to try this relationship thing with you, see how it goes. What do you say?"

Kane grinned, way more relaxed than Avery had ever seen him. He wanted to believe it was him, but he wasn't so certain since Kane had drunk six or seven glasses of wine in the span of an hour and a half. Avery hadn't let Kane's glass get empty.

Kane leaned forward on his own and nuzzled Avery's neck. Avery tilted Kane's head back, running his fingers through his hair, holding him there, enjoying the feel of Kane's warm mouth on him. "I don't want to leave tonight. I wanna make love and be made love to."

"Is it always like that for you? Do they make love to you?" Avery asked, lifting Kane's face by the chin, looking into his eyes.

"No, it's just in my head that way," Kane confessed, his words were slurred with a crooked grin in place. Would he be embarrassed by the admission in the morning? Avery hoped not. When had talking become the best foreplay on the planet?

"Mmmm…I like the idea of tender and sweet with you." Avery leaned in and took Kane's lips in an indulgent kiss. The kiss lingered until picking up steam, and Avery pushed the sash of Kane's robe free. As much as he wanted to touch Kane, he only ran his fingers across his muscular torso once before he rose from the sofa and extended a hand down to Kane. "Come to bed with me."

Chapter 8

Kane stood, only then realizing he was drunk. The shake he gave to his fuzzy brain caused him to stumble a step, hitting the sofa with the back of his knees. Nothing cleared the fog clouding his thoughts. Why hadn't he considered this as he sat there drinking so much?

Avery led him away, seeming to not notice his balance issues. He held Kane's hand as he walked them back to the bedroom. This whole seduction scene was something Avery totally had down, and something he completely hadn't expected when he walked in the door tonight. Kane had been a sure bet. In Kane's mind, they should have been going at it for the last couple of hours, but instead Avery sat in his living room, talking to him, and actually listened to his answers without judgment or criticism. Avery wanted to know about Kane and had slowly, yet completely, gotten him drunk. Without question, when tomorrow rolled around and he thought over the events of tonight, he'd have to remember Avery was a sly one.

"How do you like it?" Avery asked. Kane felt like the question was more a formality. They had broached this subject earlier.

"However's fine," Kane said, coming to stand in front of Avery's bed.

"You're versatile?" Avery asked, sliding his hands through the open lapel of Kane's robe and running his fingers and palms over his chest.

"Not normally, but I felt you tense earlier when I touched you. I'll bottom, just take it slow," Kane answered honestly.

"I want us to go both ways." Avery finally pushed the robe off his shoulders, letting the terry cloth fall to his feet. He ran his fingertips up and down Kane's arms before he moved them to his stomach and tickled his way over each defined muscle. "I couldn't tell under that suit what you looked like, but I imagined you just like this."

Avery reached up and threaded his fingers through Kane's hair to pull him forward as he pressed their lips together. He slowly guided them back a step or two to his bed, as he lowered his hands, unwrapping his own robe as they moved. Kane kissed him like he had a right to be there, pushing Avery's robe to the floor. Kane claimed Avery's body and soul in that kiss, embracing him so tightly in his arms they fell together awkwardly onto the bed. Kane held Avery close, not letting him go. He would never get enough of the man in his arms.

* * * *

Avery would have moved them along where Kane seemed content to kiss and be held. Cuddling was something new, something he hadn't considered much before now. Avery needed to remember this for the future. Kane responded to every single touch Avery made. As he deepened the kiss, he wondered if Kane might be lonely in his life. What an incredibly odd thought to have, considering he had his tongue shoved down the man's throat.

"Let me make love to you," Avery whispered as he gently bit Kane's shoulder. Kane answered by taking his mouth in another deeply erotic kiss. Kane's kisses were what wet dreams were made of. He just lay there, sprawled across Kane's chest, kissing him. Kane lay on his back, legs wide open, and Avery was lost to the moment. He glanced down at Kane's cock, hard and ready, pre-come leaking onto his flat stomach. The sight made his mouth water. He wanted to taste the glistening fluid dotting Kane's skin. Before he knew it, he had drawn his fingers through the wetness and brought them to his lips.

"Mmm…so sweet, Kane." His eyes met Kane's, and he saw vulnerability flash in those blue orbs. He was going to do everything he could to remove any doubt from those beautiful eyes and prove to Kane he meant every word he said. He gave a reassuring smile before sliding a hand down between Kane's legs to begin the slow steady massage of his rim.

Kane was tight, probably as tight as Avery. They would both need to take care with the other until they were ready. Avery planned to fuck Kane, those plans hadn't changed, and he slowly pushed a finger inside. Their lips stayed together, Kane's arms tightly encircled him, making his movements almost clumsy. Avery reached across the bed to palm the bottle of lubricant he'd laid out hours ago. The condom packets were placed close by, but Avery ignored those. He'd made a practice of protecting himself for the last few years, but not tonight.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Always & Forever M-M Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024