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Always (Always & Forever 1)

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He swore he heard a low chuckle as a warm hand palmed his balls, then moved to his leaking cock, gripping and stroking in long tight pulls from root to tip.

"Kane, I'm gonna come if you don't stop."

"Isn't that the idea?" Kane growled and continued his delicious assault.

"Yes, but I need you buried inside me when I come. Please." He heard a strangled groan, and the maddening fingers pulled free from his ass, causing his entrance to clench hungrily, trying to draw them back in. Kane released his cock and gripped his hips, pulling them back and angling them against his body. The wet tip of Kane's length slid along his crevice, making him whimper, while the warmth of Kane's groin pressing tightly against his ass caused him to tremble with need.

"It's gonna feel so good to be inside you." Kane teased his ass with the thick head of his cock, then suddenly pushed into him, stretching him, filling him in one swift thrust. The slight burn in his ass still so sweet even after all this time. Kane began to move in and out of him, each thrust going deeper than the next. Avery dropped his chest to the mattress and gripped the sheets as his husband moved inside him. There were no words to describe the feeling overwhelming him. His nerves fired, sending electrical impulses shooting from the base of his spine and settling firmly in his groin every time his husband's length banged against his gland. Kane's fingers dug into his skin as he drove himself into Avery. Without a doubt, there would be bruises tomorrow, but the exquisite pain was exactly what he needed right this minute.

"Ahhh, babe, that's it." He panted, arching his back and fisting the linens tighter. His knuckles turned white as he held on while Kane pounded into his ass, driving him into the mattress with every powerful thrust.

"Yeah?" Kane grunted behind him and pulled out. A small sound escaped his lips as his lover flipped him to his back. "Need to watch your face when you come, babe." Kane panted and grabbed his leg, placing it over his broad shoulder before pressing himself back into his entrance and setting a relentless pace. The heady smell of sex filled Avery's senses, and the sound of flesh slapping against flesh resonated throughout the room.

He moved his legs to wind them around Kane's waist, pulling him forward as he dug his fingers through the silky strands of his lover's hair, urging his head down for a kiss. Kane's mouth descended on his in a frenzy of teeth, lips, and tongue. Kane nipped and bit, licking into his mouth in a fevered exploration, sucking his tongue roughly then softly between his firm lips. Avery straightened his tongue and fucked Kane's puckered lips in the same rhythm their bodies collided with one another. The passion and need in the scorching kiss clawed at him, bowed his body tight.

Avery gripped his knees, pulling them back, opening himself wider for his lover as he slid in and out of his body. He writhed as Kane drove deep, plunging into him, banging against his spot with each thrust of his hips. "God, yes, Kane!" His vision blurred, he wasn't even sure he could form coherent words—fuck, he didn't even care. All he could concentrate on was the delicious pounding Kane was giving his prostate.

The spiral of heat continually building at the base of his spine burst free, traveling like molten lava through his body and churning heatedly in his balls, drawing them up tight, before exploding in thick creamy ribbons of warmth across his chest and stomach.

"Kane," he hissed, staring into his husband's eyes as he came. The name was uttered as the last bit of air left his lungs, driven out by the waves of pleasure seizing his body. Avery's ass clamped greedily around Kane and shuddered uncontrollably while his heart thundered loudly in his ears. He was lost in Kane's gaze, completely caught up in those blue orbs. The love and devotion he saw reflected in their depths embraced his soul. He had never felt closer to Kane than he did in this moment.

"Avery," Kane moaned, his mouth remained open, but no sound was made as the force of his driving rhythm faltered. Kane's dick twitched and jerked deep in his ass, liquid warmth flooded his insides, drawing a final shudder from him. His husband's frantic thrusts slowed and finally stilled before Kane collapsed against Avery's chest. Avery lay there, not moving, quietly willing his racing heart to settle.

Each beat echoed through his body as he tried to catch his breath. It took longer these days for the gripping pressure in his chest to calm and the tingling he felt in his fingers and arm to subside, but he'd never mentioned any of this to Kane. Knowing that information would worry Kane even more, and his fretful husband would make him swear off sex. He'd given in to Kane's demands for the most part, but sex with Kane was something he wasn't willing to do without.

"Damn, I needed that," he professed, still out of breath and completely sated from their love making, and only faintly aware the pounding in his chest had ebbed.

"Me too," Kane said, staring down at him with a big grin plastered across his handsome face. Kane slipped free from his body and rolled partially to his side, kissing Avery's chest as he curled in against him.

"I love you more than life, Kane."

"I love you too, Avery. And I don't want to live without you, ever. I want us together always," Kane whispered, his head resting on Avery's chest, his arms tightening around Avery, drawing him closer as he spoke the words.

"Baby, I'm not going anywhere, I promise." Avery placed a kiss on Kane's damp hair.

"This is too much. I know I agreed to all of this and I'm proud of you, but Avery I don't want you to run for president. I know it's a long way off, but it's too much stress. I've been reading, stress is a leading precipitator of heart attacks and heart disease. Please let this be enough. We aren't young men any longer, we don't have a lot of time left on this planet, and you've forged ground no one thought you could, " Kane said, lifting his tear-filled gaze to Avery. "I've followed you for years, asking very little. Please let it end here."

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