Always (Always & Forever 1) - Page 91

Chapter 35

Four weeks later

"Mr. Adams, you aren't taking care of yourself," Dr. Connors said, dropping his stethoscope back into his bag. He was young, fresh, and one of Robert's friends who was willing to make house calls. Kane let out a cough that hurt badly as it racked throughout his body. The doctor pulled out a syringe, filled the barrel with an unknown substance, and lifted Kane's arm to give him a shot. "You should be in the hospital, sir."

"I want to stay here," Kane said, his throat raw and his voice gravelly. He let out another long bark. By the time this coughing fit was through, Autumn sat on the other side of the bed, up on her knees, crying. Robert was beside her, the same concern etched across his face.

"You keep saying that, sir, but you're not doing what needs to be done to get you well."

"Daddy, please," Autumn said. When Kane shook his head no, Autumn grew visibly angry. "You have to. There isn't a choice anymore. You're wasting away! We have to stop these flowers from coming, and you need medical help and counseling, Daddy. This isn't right. I can't take care of you if you don't take care of yourself!"

"Autumn…" Robert started as Dr. Connors took his bag and quietly left the room. Kane felt like Dr. Connors probably supported his daughter's thoughts on his care, and Robert, most certainly, thought she was correct, and if he were honest, she wasn't wrong, but he wasn't leaving this house.

"No, I can't take this Robert. He's killing himself, and it's happening right in front of us," she ranted. Her tears were full-blown now, and she hovered right over him. He started to speak, planning to tell her he would be fine, but another round of coughing gripped him, stealing the breath from his body.

Thank God Robert stepped in, dragging Autumn from the room, talking to her as he pushed her out the door, closing it behind her before returning to Kane's bedside. This time the coughs were longer to get through and exhausted Kane. He could feel the medicine taking hold as he lay back, trying to catch his breath, reaching for the oxygen mask laying on the nightstand. Robert took over, helping Kane adjust his position.

"Daddy… Here," Robert said, his tone soothing as he helped him lie down on his back, placing the mask over his nose and mouth. "You aren't taking care of yourself, and you're stopping us from taking care of you. Dad would hate this. We're failing him because you won't let us help you."

Kane shook his head again, carefully breathing in the oxygen. The medicine the doctor had given him was putting him to sleep, and he welcomed the oblivion. Sleep meant Avery would visit him. He'd been visiting more and more in Kane's dreams. He closed his eyes, breathing in as deeply as he could and slowly fell asleep.

* * * *

"This isn't right, Robert!" Autumn said, rounding on him as he came into the living room. Her arms were crossed over her chest. The tears were there, but anger was the most dominant emotion pouring off her at the moment.

"He's lost his will to live, Autumn. Medicine can only do so much." Robert scrubbed his hands down his face as he came to stand in front of her. Dr. Connors was there too, waiting to be told the plan of care. Clearly, he was on Autumn's side, ready to transport Kane into the hospital tonight. And hell, he completely agreed, but the little boy inside him struggled with the man he'd become. In the end, his father's wishes won out over his common sense.

"Screw that, Robert! You know better than that," Autumn yelled at him. Dr. Connors came for Autumn, wrapping an arm around her, and Robert narrowed his brow at the familiarity. Were they a couple? When had they started dating? Shit, maybe he wasn't paying enough attention to his family if he didn't know something like this.

"Robert, it would be in your father's best interest to move him as soon as possible. He's not well, you have to know that," Dr. Connors told him. Autumn stayed tucked in his arms, her gaze begging him to do the right thing—at least as she saw it—but he also knew his father's current condition had very little to do with bronchitis. He just couldn't figure out how to make his father want to live again.

"I'd like to give it a few more days. We have registered nurses here with him around the clock. I want to try to get him well, and then move him into some serious inpatient counseling—" Robert started, but Autumn cut him off.

"We're past that point, Robert. He's past that. He's lost thirty pounds in three months. He's sicker than he's been in his entire life, and I want these stupid flowers to stop coming! What was Dad thinking? We should even move him out of this house. He has to live, Robert. Dad made me promise to take care of him." Autumn was frantic, more so than he'd ever seen her before. In his silence, she grew angrier, picking up last week's bouquet and tossing it across the room before she flung herself out of the house in a disgusted rage. That left Robert and Dr. Connors staring at the door she'd just stormed out of. It took a second, but his friend took off after her. Robert let them go, and he stayed right where he was, trying to come up with anything to help this situation and make everyone happy.

When nothing came to mind, he decided to clear his schedule and stay with his father for the next few days. Which meant he wouldn't be working. Not work? That almost sent a panic through him. He hadn't ever taken a vacation before, but he didn't take time to think about it as he promptly called his office to leave instructions for them to rearrange his schedule until further notice.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Always & Forever M-M Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024