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Always (Always & Forever 1)

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Carrying a tray of soup, Robert rounded the corner, heading back to his father's bedroom. He was in day three of his overnight stay, and he was absolutely certain he hadn't made any difference in his father's mindset at all by being here. His father was still sick, lethargic, and becoming unresponsive. In Robert's best estimation, he was certain the last two had nothing to do with his illness.

"I have chicken broth for you," Robert said, managing to open the door while holding the tray. "Priscilla, I've got this," he said, looking at the nurse sitting by Kane's bed. She nodded, quietly excusing herself.

"Here we go," he said, putting the tray over his father's lap. He learned early on not to give his father an option. Instead, he scooted the chair up to the side of the bed and started spoon feeding the soup to his mouth. Like normal, his father took a bite or two willingly, then maybe another one unwillingly before rejecting anything more.

"Daddy, I'm concerned about you. You can't go on like this," Robert said, putting the spoon down, and wiped Kane's mouth. His father didn't reply.

"You're wasting away. You have to make the decision to live, because at this rate, I'm very worried for you. I can't see how you're going to last much longer." His throat clogged as he said the words. He moved the tray and lifted his frail father, adjusting the pillows behind his back.

"I've always been so proud of you," Kane said in a labored, gravelly voice, looking up at Robert as he shoved another pillow behind him. For the first time in months, his father's blue eyes didn't look hollow, and that gave Robert hope. "You were protecting your sister in the womb. We didn't know she was there until we got one of those fancy ultrasounds."

"I love my family. I love you. I've wanted you to be proud of me," Robert said, bringing the blanket up, tucking it tightly around Kane.

"I never knew if we were really doing right by you and your sister. I tried to make up for things you might be missing. I'm glad Sophia stayed in your life. You followed in her footsteps," Kane managed, only coughing once or twice as he spoke.

"I have no complaints about my life, Daddy. I had a great childhood. I was lucky," Robert declared. He paused in taking the conversation back to his father's current health. This was more discussion than they had had in a long time. Maybe his father had made a turn, perhaps the memories of something other than Avery would help him, spur him back into the world of the living. Robert took Kane's hand out of the blanket, holding it tightly until he linked their fingers together.

"Is Dr. Connors seeing Autumn?" Kane asked. That made Robert smile. His father seemed so lifeless, but he had picked up on that even when Robert had completely missed the subtle signs.

"Seems that way." Robert chuckled. "He's a good man. I like him."

"What about you? Who are you seeing?" Kane questioned. The talking was getting to him, and he had a solid fit of coughing, gasping for breath between each spasm. Robert gave Kane several sips of water and rubbed his back until he settled down. When he was done, Kane looked at Robert expectantly and it took a second to remember his question.

"No one. I'm not seeing anyone," Robert said, sitting back on the chair, still holding Kane's hand. Having two gay fathers had made his own coming out incredibly easy. His grip tightened when he considered how accepted he'd always been in his life compared to many of his gay friends who still struggled to this day.

"There are lots of single professional men in this town, Son," Kane started, his voice raspy and low.

"I know, Daddy. I'm not settling for just anyone, not until I find what you and Dad had," Robert said, stopping himself as sadness crossed his father's face. His eyes returned to that hollow look again. Damn, why had he said that?

"Robert, take me to Avery's grave, I have to go," Kane pleaded, his eyes searching Robert's face.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Robert said, shaking his head. "It's cold outside. You're sick…"

"Please, Son. I haven't been," Kane asked again and began to cough. "Please, I feel him there."

Robert stared at his father's pleading gaze. He was a shell of a man, lying listless and frail. It wasn't a good idea to consider taking him outside. Robert searched his brain, trying to come up with a viable reason to say no, or at least one his father would agree to. Nothing came to mind.

"We're taking a wheelchair. I want you bundled up, and you promise, if I take you, you will take your medicine and turn this around for us. Promise me, Daddy. We can't keep watching you wither away to nothing. You have to stop this." Robert pulled the covers back, helping Kane to the side of the bed. "Promise me."

Kane nodded his head, taking short shallow breaths. He was weak and much smaller than Robert had realized as he helped place each of his father's feet on to the floor. In that moment, Robert knew he was going to have to go against Kane's wishes. Autumn was right, he needed intensive, constant care. Nothing had changed, nothing had gotten better with Robert staying here. His father deteriorated with each second that passed by. He had to stop thinking emotionally, and take care of his father like he was any other patient at the hospital.

He would let Kane stop by the gravesite one last time, and then he would take him to the hospital. He'd stalled long enough.

"Stay here, I'm getting your house shoes and some warmer pants." Kane nodded, and Robert saw it took everything inside his father just to stay upright. Dammit, why had he let this get so far out of hand? Robert rummaged through Kane's things, grabbing a pair of sweats, house shoes, and a coat. He called the nurse to prepare the wheelchair. He dressed Kane as the chair was wheeled in.

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