Always (Always & Forever 1) - Page 94

"I've missed kissing you. I tried to be patient and wait. That bullshit about a minute up here is like a lifetime down there is all wrong. These last few months felt like years waiting for you, but it's all right. You're here now. Sit up. You'll adjust to the light faster if you sit up," Avery said, and out of nothing more than Avery lifting his arms to pull him forward, Kane came to a sitting position and a celestial world opened to him. He saw his backyard times about a trillion. There were no words to describe the beauty before him.

"Where are we?" He had to ask, but somehow he already knew the answer.

"I think you know, babe," Avery said and smiled at him.

"You're so young." His eyes were back on Avery's face, then his hands followed and began exploring Avery's distinct features. Avery felt so real. He wasn't sitting next to Kane; instead, he was crouched down on the balls of his feet. Avery started to stand, slowly pulling Kane to his feet, barely allowing him time to get his balance. Avery took Kane into his arms, love and contentment filled his heart as his husband embraced him tighter than he ever remembered. Kane held onto Avery as if his life depended on this embrace.

"I told you we were meant to be together," Avery whispered into his hair.

"I miss you so much."

"Me too, but not anymore." Avery's voice grew excited. "You have to listen to me, Kane. This isn't a dream. I'm not going anywhere. You've left Earth, and you're here with me now. Do you remember when I told you how I knew from the beginning you were meant for me? How we were destined to be together? I was right, and I always knew it! I always told you, but I don't think you believed me. And guess what else, you got part of the afterlife right, but you got lots wrong, too," Avery announced, trying to pull free of Kane's hold. He had a death grip on Avery, and as far as Kane was concerned, his man wasn't leaving his arms. If he held on as tight as he could, maybe he could keep Avery with him in this dream world forever.

"Interesting how you're so hard-headed even in this life." Avery chuckled. "Kane, let me go. This is the transition. I have so much to show you." With a slight struggle, Avery managed to slip free of his hold, but kept their hands linked together.

"I'm going to kiss those lips I've missed so much, but you can't grab me again, not until later when were alone, I don't have the willpower to deny you. Oh, and from what I understand, that's like a million times better up here. So I really can't wait until later. Damn, I missed you!" Avery's lips took his in a quick chaste kiss…then another. Kane eagerly kissed him back, but his husband's hands were on his arms, keeping him from drawing Avery to him again.

"Come on, come with me," Avery said, breaking their kiss.

"What about the children?" Kane was hesitant to leave this spot for fear the illusion would dissipate.

"They're fine. I promise. I've seen bits and pieces of the future. Autumn has five children, she marries the doctor who treated you. Robert struggles a little more, but I've met his other half. Remember the handsome honor guard from my funeral?" Avery asked. Kane just stared blankly at Avery, not knowing what to say. A slight smile curled the corners of his husband's lips and an amused look crossed his handsome face, and he just kept right on talking. "You'll like him, I promise. Come on, Kane." So classically Avery, never giving him a chance to catch up with his own thoughts.

Kane looked over his shoulder and reluctantly took a step forward with Avery, ignoring the dull draw still tugging at his back. Behind him, the pain and darkness from before still existed. In front of him, light and hope enticed him into taking more steps. Okay, Avery was the true motivator in getting him moving. The more steps he took, the less the dark vortex pulled at him, and the more clarity finally settled inside his soul.

"Are you saying we do belong together? This is heaven?" Kane tightened his hold on Avery's hand. Avery glanced over, giving him an indulgent look.

"You aren't listening to me, are you? Funny how that trait came across, too. I hope the doting on me attribute came with it. I need some of your tender lovin' care." The flowers and calla lilies actually separated as they stepped through the fragrant grassy meadow. Kane loved that, never fond of the idea of seeing a precious bloom trampled on.

Avery gave him a wink as he came to a stop halfway through the field, in a spot where they were surrounded by the flowers he adored, finally letting Kane take him back in his arms. "Listen to me, babe. This is important. Parts you got right, and parts you got wrong. The only thing I'm saying right now is that I got us right, just exactly like I told you over and over again. You should have had more faith in me. You were meant for me. You're my other half, my soul mate destined to walk with me through eternity. You're my always and forever. Now that you're here, I'm complete again. The rest is easier to understand if I show you instead of tell you."

Avery was gone from his arms again, pulling him forward. "Oh, and you're hot. I mean, you were a good-looking older man, but this is just how I remember you the first night I met you. Damn, I'm a lucky soul. And don't look at me like that. I'm working on the language, but apparently that's my cross to bear, it's what I brought forward with me."

The light and the meadow faded and a heavenly realm opened into something Kane again had no words for. Never could he have even imagined something so awe-inspiring and stunning. And his Avery was right there beside him, wrapping an arm around him.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Always & Forever M-M Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024