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Closet Confession

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“The new hire, Justin Delacroix. Check out those biceps,” Kylie whispered.

“Screw the biceps, did you see how the fabric stretched across his back. I bet there isn’t an ounce of fat on the guy,” Kristina offered just as quietly.

“And he told Ally he was dating someone?” Derek asked, now fully invested in admiring the view. The broad shoulders and thin waist were hot in and of themselves, but when he bent over to secure the gates, he caught a glimpse of the deeply tanned skin peeking from under the scrubs.

“No, he lives with someone. It’s serious.” Again the disappointment was deep in Amanda’s voice.

“I like his hair color,” Kristina whispered.

“I like his body. All that tall, muscular, tanned flesh…” Kylie wiped her chin this time.

“Most auburn-haired people don’t get that tan,” Amanda added.

“Right. And he doesn’t have freckles. Does that make him Brazilian?” Kristina asked.

“It makes him hot as hell,” Amanda declared.

Derek watched as Ally, the charge nurse, approached the new hire. “I’ll take the patient from here. But can I get you to run something down to the lab for me? I can’t get a lab-tech down here and it’s important,” he overheard the charge nurse ask. The nurses then scattered, knocking into themselves in order to avoid being caught staring.

“Sure, what am I taking?” Derek loved the deep, smooth tone of his voice. The three female nurses all pretended to be busy before Justin turned back their way. At that point Derek was the only one standing there, not doing anything, hands tucked into his lab coat and a smile stretched across his face, which had turned to laughter at the terrible acting skills he’d just witnessed from the nurses. Justin glanced his way but was clearly confused by his reaction. The male nurse’s brow narrowed and he openly stared at Derek. Justin’s hard-edged look turned him on, and he stood there, gawking, as the fatigue from earlier faded and his dick awakened inside his briefs.

With all those good looks staring back at him and that big, muscular frame within easy reach, he tended to agree with the nurses’ astute observations. He figured he could find it in himself to go a round or two with the male nurse.

“Amanda has it. I’ll call the lab to tell them to expect you. It’s a rush,” he heard Ally reply. Derek turned, anchoring his shoulder against the wall. From his vantage point, he could see the entire inner workings of the nurses’ station. Amanda now sat at a terminal, typing away. The way her hands flew over the keyboard, Derek wasn’t certain she was even creating words. Justin took a few tentative steps toward the nurses’ station.

“Amanda?” the male nurse asked quietly, clearly trying to remember who was who.

“Amanda’s at the computer,” Derek said, helping him out.

Justin nodded and approached the desk. “Do you have the lab work?” That rich baritone voice had that half erection turning full and hard. Since all eyes were on Justin, Derek easily reached down to adjust himself, making sure he was completely hidden as he watched Amanda’s flushed face lift to Justin. All she did was point to the box on the desk. The new nurse looked at everyone again, still completely confused at what he’d missed, but picked up the box and didn’t say another word as he headed down the hall toward the double doors.

“Damn, those eyes were made for sin. They look golden!” Kristina whispered when the coast was clear. She dramatically fanned herself with the file folder. She craned her neck, trying to catch a final glimpse as Justin walked away.

“No kidding! He can have me any day,” Amanda said, theatrically flailing her arms as she slumped in the seat. She threw her head back against the head rest and sighed loudly.

“We’re in a hospital, you know,” Derek said dryly, the lab coat covering the evidence of his attraction.

“Whatever, Dr. Babineaux. You know you want him, but I get him first,” Kylie declared and he just grinned.

“I’m sure I should be saying something about appropriate behavior and all that nonsense. I’ve got work to do. Call me if you need me, but only if you need me. I’ll be in the office, getting caught up.” The cackle he got from the three of them made it clear they weren’t buying his lackadaisical response. Whatever. He had a hot male nurse to go scope out.

Chapter 3

Justin handed over the lab work and left without asking directions back, even though he’d gotten lost three times on the way there. It had taken him some time to remember the way. The lab was across the hospital complex and there were too many closed halls and darkened walkways to easily navigate the route, but he was a smart guy. He didn’t need to ask for directions. He’d figure his way back and forth soon enough.

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