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Havoc (Tattoos and Ties 1)

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Keyes opened up his bike, letting the familiar vibration between his thighs relax him. The worry disappeared, and the magic of the world eased him—just like it always did. With a twist of the wrist, the bike roared, leaping forward. He topped out at one hundred miles an hour. Not the max speed for this baby, not by far, but this was the speed he was most comfortable cruising. He loved this time of day or rather this time of night. No sign of the pending morning. Just him, the road, and darkness for as far as the eye could see. Welcome solitude. His time. In these few short hours of complete nightfall, Keyes was himself. Not hiding anything, but still hidden. He’d generally find someone to spend the remaining hours with. Nameless sex, the uncomplicated way to get off. No names, no questions, no complications, no judgment.

He wasn’t looking forward to the upcoming new day. For some reason, this fed bullshit didn’t feel finished. When he had called to report in, he’d learned every single club member had been involved, their businesses as well as their homes ransacked by the fed bastards. The place he shared with his old man got hit too. Clearly, the raid was about club business, and the local media had a field day breaking into regularly scheduled programming to spread their factless propaganda.

Keyes wasn’t sure his old man or the club president—the longest-serving most connected members of the club—were going to be able to stop the bullshit currently raining down on them. After posting bail for his old man, the club had a two-hour emergency meeting. No member could pinpoint where things had gone wrong. They’d been keeping their noses clean, lying low, staying out of trouble. With all the attention from that new dumbass district attorney, they’d had to. Today’s raid had been a complete and unwarranted surprise. All Keyes knew for sure was that every known bank account owned by a club member had been frozen and a lot of property seized.

With anxiety needling its way back into his peaceful moment, Keyes did something he hadn’t done in years, he sat back and popped the clutch, bringing his front wheel off the ground, executing the perfect wheelie. The exhilarating rush of abandon never got old. He held himself balanced on one tire until he spotted the brake lights of what appeared to be a sports car in the distance. Surprised something so nice was on this vacant backroad in far South Dallas, Keyes dropped the wheel to the pavement and increased the speed to catch the classy ride.

The closer he got, the wider his grin grew. A badass Ferrari. Man, he’d always had a hard-on for fast things. That vehicle on this road at this time of night didn’t make any sense. Keyes tightened his grip on the throttle, preparing to goad the driver into a race. Keyes tucked himself against the tank as he started to pass. He revved the throttle and drove alongside the slower moving car, hoping to get the driver’s attention. Instead, the sports car swerved into his lane, pushing him into the side of the road. Keyes fought to keep the bike upright on the loose gravel before guiding his wheels back to the main road.

Keyes looked up just in time to see a couple of wood planks, probably two-by-fours, lying across the road ahead of them. His gaze dropped to his side mirror the moment he heard the distinctive pop of expensive tires finding nails on those boards. He immediately reduced his speed, coming to a crawl while watching the sleek car manage the obstacle then glide gracefully off the main road. Luckily, whoever was behind the wheel knew what they were doing. With remarkable skill, the car managed to stay upright and skirt the ditch just feet from the pavement.

Keyes executed a quick U-turn and drove back to the sports car, parking in front of it. He lowered the kickstand, pulled his helmet off before walking toward the car. The door pushed open wide, and a man eased himself out of the vehicle. Keyes quickly scanned the man, looking for injuries.

“You all right?” Keyes asked. He was prepared for a burst of anger, something that made this Keyes’s fault. Instead, he got a tall, handsome, well put together man in tight-fitting slacks and a dress shirt that looked tailor-made for his body and fit like a motherfucking glove. Holy shit. He’d thought that car was a sweet ride, but fuck, the man driving it—now, that was a sweet piece of ass.

Keyes quickly averted his gaze, before letting himself get carried away with the sudden porn-filled fantasies. He couldn’t risk letting his dick lead him into temptation. The guy was most likely straight anyway. Keyes bypassed the driver, bent his head to peer inside the vehicle and discovered someone sitting in the passenger seat. Neither occupant seemed to have any visible injuries.

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