Reservations - Page 7

This job had taught him a lot about people. He’d learned he didn’t care for the snooty, privileged class of people like his boss’s family, with their boundless sense of entitlement.

The for-sale sign the owner had placed in the window earlier that evening wasn’t a shock. They’d also handed Levi his final walking papers, officially laying him off. Well, he’d be without a job once he managed to single-handedly pack and move all the equipment and supplies to a storage unit. Apparently, the owner liked his work ethic, so they’d keep him until the bitter end. Yippee.

Stop all this negativity, he mentally chastised himself. It didn’t help, and it damn sure wouldn’t change anything. He just needed to find new evening part-time work. Truthfully, he hadn’t ever liked this job anyway.

Levi tucked his lip between his teeth, gnawing on the sensitive skin as he sprayed several pumps of cleaning solution on a table. Maybe he should just give up on medical school and go find a real job—start becoming the man of the house. Perhaps even consider a trade. Construction was killing it right now.

All he had was a pre-med undergraduate degree, which didn’t amount to much in the real world, and a physical therapy assistant certificate, which helped him find the day job that didn’t quite keep them afloat financially. On top of that, he had a mountain of financial-aid debt, his dad’s funeral to pay for, and bill collectors calling daily about his father’s unpaid medical expenses. Factor in his brothers’ needs, all their living expenses, and, boy, did their expenses weigh heavily on his shoulders. Maybe he should consider pharmaceutical sales. That was kind of medicine, wasn’t it?

“What’s a guy gotta do to get some coffee around here?”

Levi startled, caught off guard by the huskily asked question. Lost in thought, he hadn’t even heard the annoying door chime, but he’d know that cocky voice anywhere. He abandoned the spray bottle and rag on the table before turning. He couldn’t help the grin growing on his face as his eyes landed on Julian Cullen standing in front of the cash register. Except Julian didn’t look like the broken patient he’d worked with at the PT clinic all those months ago. Instead, this Julian looked happy, strong, and professional.

Levi stepped toward him, wiping his right hand on his jeans before extending it to Julian. “You look great.”

Julian waggled those perfectly plucked eyebrows and appraised him with that mischievous gleam in his eyes. “You know, I’m not in the business anymore, but for a compliment like that, I’d do you.”

Levi busted out in genuine amusement at such a bold statement. That was just Julian; he said whatever he wanted and made no apologies. “Would you now? I think that’s some of that bad-boy you were always talking about coming out in you. How’s it going?”

“I remembered you had said you worked here in the evenings. I wondered if you still did,” Julian answered with a complete dodge. For the months they’d worked out together at the physical therapy clinic, Levi had gotten used to Julian’s non-answering ways. “How’s it going with you?”

“Good. I guess.” Levi gave a small chuckle or at least he hoped it sounded like one, not the hysterical laughter of a crazy man with too much worry under his belt. “Been working quite a bit.”

“Well…” Julian drew the word out then paused for dramatic effect, making a show of looking back at the for-sale sign on the window. “I saw the place’s closing.”

Levi placed both hands on his hips and continued to stare at Julian. The guy looked like a million bucks. The clothes were expensive, and oddly conservative. His hair styled with an artful flip off the forehead. His pristinely pressed slacks hugged his long, muscular legs, and the crisp button-down underneath a lightweight sweater was perfectly paired with the shiny loafers on his feet. The transformation was quite remarkable, something he wondered if the counseling had anything to do with. Instead of asking that, Levi chose to keep the exchange light and only respond to the question asked.

“Yeah, I’ll be looking for another side job soon.”

“No doubt with as busy as you are…” Julian spread his arms wide. Levi barked out another laugh as he followed Julian’s gaze around the bare coffee shop.

“I guess you’re right. It still feels like a lot of work though.” Another chuckle bubbled up again, and he went with it, feeling much lighter than minutes ago. Levi watched as Julian shamelessly stepped closer to him, the guy’s hand smoothed over his bicep and gently squeezed before boldly reaching for his T-shirt, lifting from the hem.

“Huh. You were hiding all that and I never noticed?”

Levi swatted Julian’s hand away, letting his T-shirt fall back in place. What the hell? Their gazes collided, and he couldn’t help but notice the look of surprise in Julian’s eyes.

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Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024