Reservations - Page 9

“Not like that.” Julian shook his head and chuckled. The laugh was definitely directed toward him, not laughing with him. “We need waiters. I manage a gentlemen’s club. Reservations is more like a fine-dining establishment and dance club all under one roof. I manage the club’s personnel, so it’s all evening work with nothing during the day and less than fifteen minutes from here. It’s in the back of Escape Coronado, right off 75. I promise, you’ll make more in one night there than you do all month here, and I’ll work with your hours at the clinic, give you time to get there—no problem.” Julian dug out a business card from his wallet. When Levi didn’t automatically reach for the card, Julian laughed again and tossed it on the counter in front of him.

He let his immediate resistance ease. He’d tried to get jobs waiting tables before, but the experience part had always killed him. “I haven’t been a server before.” He hesitantly picked up the card. “But I’d be interested in trying to wait tables. I’m good with handling money. I can make change like a champ.”

“Does the rest of you look like that?” Julian asked, circling a finger in the general direction of his stomach. That had his positive thoughts turning instantly darker.

“I know you said fine dining and dancing, but what do you mean by gentleman’s establishment?” Levi asked. The image he’d instantly created in his mind caused his brow to furrow.

“Not what you’re thinking.” Julian barked out a laugh at whatever disparaging emotion must have crossed his face. “Reservations is an exclusive high-end dinner and dance club that caters to gay men. Mostly single men, business men, not-out men. We have couples that come and enjoy themselves too.” Julian lifted a hand, amusement sparkling in his eyes as he again genuinely laughed at Levi. He struggled for breath when he tried to speak. “Oh, man, you look all pinched up. It’s hilarious. I wish I could snap that picture.”

“Maybe it’s not for me,” Levi replied, placing the card back on the counter, but an inner needling had him questioning his unexplored refusal. If he could make money without having to do anything other than serve drinks, he’d totally be into that.

“No, it’s legit. You’ll fit there. No business transactions or money exchanging hands for sex are allowed on club property. We can’t fully prevent all that from happening, but they’ll lose their membership if we catch on. If you’re an employee and get caught hooking up at the club, it’s immediate termination. The reason for memberships is to help ensure our members and employees don’t have to go through what I did. It’s a place for men to make safe connections, nothing more. The worst you might get is a randy old man patting your ass. That’s it. I swear.” Julian pulled out his phone and started manipulating the screen with his finger. “Give me your contact information. This is something I could do to help pay you back for everything you gave me.”

“I didn’t do that much,” Levi objected.

Julian’s gaze lifted and held his. “Yeah, you did. You reminded me there were still good people in the world who had compassion and kind hearts. You helped me when I was scared and guilt-ridden over everything Thane was paying for. I needed to know that people just help others out of the goodness in their hearts. And now I want to do the same.” Julian’s sincerity came through loud and clear. “Tell me your number.”

Levi rattled off his cell number as Julian requested, then asked, “What would I have to wear?”

“As little as possible makes for better tips, and you’ll be wanting to shave that.” Julian again pointed a finger, drawing an imaginary circle around his belly area. That good-natured laugh was back. When a chirp sounded on Levi’s phone, Julian nodded. “That’s my number. I think we’re about the same age, Levi. Let me help you help your family. It’s legit work. You’ll be waiting tables. That’s it.”

Julian tucked his phone in his pocket and grabbed the coffee off the counter before turning toward the exit. Again, he used his ass to bump open the door. “If you don’t call me, I’ll call you, or better yet, you stop by. Text me, and I’ll get you in. See for yourself.”

Julian lifted a coffee cup as a goodbye and was gone.

Levi stood there, staring at the door even after the bells had stopped ringing. Could Julian be serious about making that much money in one night? Levi walked back to the tables to finish cleaning. He didn’t make much. On a good week, he cleared a hundred and fifty bucks after taxes. If he made that in one night, his family would be so much better off.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024