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“You’re making him nervous, papi,” Julian said, taking the seat closest to Thane.

“Good.” Thane couldn’t tear his eyes away from Levi who wiped a rag across the table he’d just cleaned.

“He’s not like you and me,” Julian stated. Thane didn’t look over at his manager; he just kept staring at Levi and dropped another piece of ice in his mouth.

“Sure, he is. Everyone is,” Thane answered confidently. Everyone had a price. Hell, he was honest enough with himself that he knew even he had a price. Thane just needed to figure out that price and nail Levi down.

“He’s turned everyone down,” Julian said like the Negative Nellie he’d become.

“Good,” Thane countered. He wasn’t going to be thwarted in his plan. “He should hold out for more money.”

“Nah, that’s not it. He could use the money. He sees himself in a different way. He’s in medical school.”

Thane lifted his brows, watching in fascination as all Levi’s muscles flexed and shifted, working fluidly together even in something as mundane as cleaning the table. As if he had done something to gain attention, Levi glanced up, but only looking as far as Thane’s glass before he dropped the rag on his tray and took off toward the bar with an unreadable expression on his face. Levi had never even asked if he wanted another drink. He was damn good at his job. Thane’s drink didn’t stay empty long.

“You know he was off thirty minutes ago,” Julian said.

Thane continued tracking Levi’s every move. “Then get lost so I can make my move.”

Julian pushed away from the table, sliding off his chair. “I’m gonna love watching you crash and burn.”

“Not likely,” Thane said arrogantly. He was up for the challenge. Julian’s statement just ensured Levi would make a mint off him tonight. He watched Levi talking to the bartender before he picked up the drink and the tray and headed his way.

“Here you go.” Levi followed protocol every single time, laying a napkin on the table, followed by his drink, and then removing the empty glass and old napkin. “Ricco’s gonna take care of you. I’m off for the night. My shift ended a while ago.”

“Levi,” he said before the handsome waiter could turn away. Levi used the old, soggy cocktail napkin to wipe at the already clean table, his brow lifted as if waiting to answer. “Levi, look at me.” He grinned as he watched the subtle tightening of Levi’s bare shoulders seconds before his gaze slid up, connecting to Thane’s. Yeah, those eyes needed to stay right there. Thane sat up taller and shifted in his seat, aligning his body closer to the waiter’s. “I’m interested in spending time with you. Are you interested? I’m willing to pay you handsomely for your companionship. Do you have a price or do I need to make you an offer?”

Levi’s brows came together and uncertainty flashed briefly in those green eyes. His cheeks darkened just a bit, which made Thane’s blood sizzle and his cock twitched with delight. Levi’s innocent act pulled him right in, made him want to protect him, claim him, and keep him all to himself. The guy was totally playing the game, and he was damn good. He could only appear green under the collar once. He was more than likely calculating his next move, building his value by staying reserved and out of reach. You always wanted what you couldn’t have, and Thane wanted Levi.

“I’ll make you an offer,” Thane growled, keeping his eyes locked with Levi’s, which wasn’t hard to do. So, the guy wanted something to brag about. He’d give it to him. Hell, he’d give him anything he asked for at this point, but he had to find a starting point. He was willing to start the offer at three times what some of the guys in here claimed to be the going rate. He was so confident he’d have his way, he even smiled as he said the amount. “Three thousand dollars, three hours starting in fifteen minutes, in my suite.”

Levi stood to his full height, taking Thane’s gaze with him. He was a tall guy, impressive in his size. “Did you say three thousand dollars?”

“I did indeed.” Thane nodded, reaching for the new drink and taking a small sip. “I have a suite at Escape. I won’t keep you all night. It’s just been a little while for me and I want you in my bed.”

A range of emotions crossed Levi’s handsome face. He almost looked as if he were genuinely shocked. Again, all Thane could think was, if the guy played his part this well during negotiations, he couldn’t wait to find out how well he played the part behind closed doors. He had to respect Levi for holding out for more. He was a businessman. He knew how it worked. The ball was in Levi’s court now. So, Thane took a much longer drink this time, waiting for Levi to make the next move.

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