Reservations - Page 34

Levi opened his mouth, rocked back and forth on his heels. His gaze darted nervously around the club before he lowered the tray, placing it in front of his clearly willing cock. Thane grinned. Hard to hide the body’s natural response in so few clothes. Thane hadn’t been mistaken—what he was feeling was definitely mutual. He couldn’t wait to peel Levi out of that little swatch of material and taste him inch by glorious inch.

“I think Julian can help you find what you’re looking for.” As if Thane didn’t already know that. Levi searched the club until he pointed at Julian who was having a giggling fit at the bar. Thane’s brows snapped together at the implication Levi had just made. What the hell? His offer had been rejected, but he was willing to up the ante.

“But I want you. So I’m requesting you, not anyone else here,” he explained, hoping they could come to an agreement quickly.


Thane stopped him right there by holding up his hand. “Please don’t call me sir.” That one word put age on him that he didn’t want Levi thinking about.

“I’m not interested in your money.” Levi took a step backward, creating distance. “I appreciate the compliment, but check with Julian. He can help you out. Also, Ricco’s got you covered. He’ll be watching for your empty glass.” Levi took another two or three steps backward before saying, “Goodnight.”

He watched in confusion as Levi pivoted on his heels and walked away from him toward the employee locker room. He was at a loss, completely dumbfounded, as he watched the intriguing waiter disappear behind the thick, heavy curtain. Surely Levi was just making him sweat, guaranteeing himself a sweeter pot. Certainly, he would come back and take him up on his offer. But the curtain never moved; Levi didn’t reappear. Laughter finally made him turn his head to see where the annoying noise was coming from. Julian, Ricco, and Quinn were clapping, applauding his very clearly predicted fail. Thane drained the glass, his beloved liquor tasting very much like the bitter pill he’d just been handed. Thane Walker, shot down in flames. He stayed seated for several minutes, going over the interaction that had just taken place.

Levi was interested, that was rigidly obvious. Maybe this was some sort of prank. After a good five minutes of him sitting there realizing that he was going to his suite alone and Julian and Ricco still smirking like his being turned down was the most hilarious thing they’d ever seen, Thane shoved off the stool.

He hadn’t even tipped the guy for his service tonight.

He’d offered three thousand dollars for a few hours. He’d have gotten any of these guys for a third of that cost. Frustrated and horny, Thane looked around the club for someone to take the edge off. He stood there several minutes, scanning everyone, but none of them had auburn hair and startling green eyes.


Chapter 8

Days later, standing in the dead center of his grouping of tables, Levi fought the anxiety building in his chest. He could sense Thane Walker somewhere inside this club but couldn’t quite locate exactly where he was. That thought thrilled him and unsettled him all at the same time. He scanned the entire area, trying in vain to spot the man before he popped up out of nowhere like he’d done several times before.

What the heck was wrong with him? Since the very first hour he’d started this job, he’d been hit on by men. He couldn’t even take pride in the fact he had been hit on so much. Every waiter in the place got the same treatment. Julian sure had a knack for finding the hottest of the hot to work at the club. Sure, some of the guys made extra money giving blow jobs or letting some guy fuck them, but he certainly wasn’t the only one who didn’t go for that kind of thing. Half the guys there didn’t give in to the advances. Yet, he’d wanted to give in to everything Thane had in mind.

Honestly, that three-thousand-dollar offer was what was wrong with him. Three thousand dollars would make a huge dent in their bills. Three thousand dollars for a few hours of sex with a man who made the guys in Levi’s wet dreams look homely. Thane, who was so hot Levi should’ve been the one paying to have sex with him, certainly not the other way around. It had been a miserable two days to say the least. His dick hadn’t let him forget he’d turned down one hell of a hookup. Levi couldn’t jack himself enough to get any sort of relief. Thane Walker was a sexy, gorgeous man who had offered him three thousand dollars for sex.

One thing he hadn’t considered until right that minute was how arrogant that made Thane sound. Levi had always thought the kinds of men who carelessly tossed money around were so full of themselves. After being on this job, he knew they were just proud of their accomplishments, and if anyone else benefited monetarily from their success, all the better. He looked down at his feet, then around him, and damn if he still wasn’t standing right in the dead center of his section, trying to sort out the ramblings in his brain.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024