Reservations - Page 44

Dear Lord, the man could kiss. Even now, his dick wept in hope of what was to come. No question, he’d drop to his knees to pay homage to the bulge in Levi’s underwear—maybe even the second he opened the door and pulled him inside. He wanted Levi there now. Thane opened his eyes and went for his cell phone. There were two middle-aged women in the elevator with him. His gaze skidded to the row of numbers above the doors. They were heading down.

Shit. Lost in his mental fantasy, he’d missed his floor. Hell, he hadn’t even heard them enter.

Thane shook his head, ignored all that, and sent Julian a message. “I’d probably cut him first if I were you.”

The excitement almost made him giddy. He was anxious about getting to his room and making everything perfect, which for anyone else in his shoes, would be par for the course, but he’d never been one to fret over details. How did Levi put him in such a state? He cursed the slow crawl of the elevator on his way back up to his missed floor. The ding sounded, and he was out of those doors and heading straight to his suite in seconds flat.

He’d only planned to be there a few days, and now, a week later, he had definitely outstayed his welcome. Thane ripped the do not disturb sign off the door and walked inside. The place was a mess, all the way to dirty dishes in the sink where he’d ordered room service and secluded himself in his suite while brooding about his situation with Levi.

He called out for Iris, the hotel’s new AI interactive concierge, speaking to the hologram as it dropped down from the ceiling. “I need housekeeping in here, ASAP.”

“Yes, sir, anything specific.”

“I need a clean— Something substantial. I have a guest arriving in about an hour and a half.”

“They’re on their way up now, sir.”

“Thanks, that’s all,” he said as her image began to fade.

Thane grabbed the dirty clothes off the sofa and lumped them under his arm while gathering the dishes and the newspaper as he reassured his irritatingly anxious analytical side. No, he hadn’t forgotten the business arrangement he wanted with Levi. First, he just needed to see if they meshed well. He rolled his eyes at the absurdity of the thought; he’d bet everything he had that they would fit. As he passed by the front door on his way to the bedroom, he stopped abruptly and turned back to open the door. He knocked the kick stand in place to hold it open. Housecleaning would need immediate entry when they arrived. Nodding to himself that he had all in order, he continued to his bedroom.


In the short time he’d worked for Reservations, he’d never ventured far enough to even check out the inside lobby of Escape. To say he was impressed seemed such an understatement. He’d come inside through the back, assuming it was like any other large hotel, but not this one. There was an entire lobby, fully staffed, waiting to greet him. Nervous, he pulled out his phone for something to occupy his hands as he was greeted at the doors by a man in a suit.

“Can I help you, sir?”

Levi lifted a brow, looking down the length of his body at his new-to-him slim fit blue jeans and equally as new-to-him well-worn T-shirt all the way to his years-old fly-knit tennis shoes. He felt immediately underdressed. It seemed he always felt that way when coming to this side of town, especially when stepping onto the Escape property, even when he headed directly to the employee entrance. He adjusted the strap of his duffle bag that slung low from his shoulder and kept a tight grip on his phone.

“I’m going to room 602.”

The guy nodded and started toward the elevators. “Come this way.” It took the twenty-five or so steps for the guy to lift a hand to his ear, listen, then turned back to Levi. “You’re Mr. Silva?”

Levi’s brow furrowed, but he answered the man. “I am.”

“Good. This is a private part of the resort. You have to be listed. You are.” There was a brilliant smile as the greeter touched a box and an automated voice said “Elevator D.” His guide walked the few feet to the automatically opening doors. “It’ll take you straight there.”

That was new. He’d never seen anything like this before. Within a minute, the doors were opening to the sixth floor. Wonderment more than anything else had Levi getting off the elevator, looking around at the grandeur of the foyer. He stopped at the guide panel. There were four rooms on this hall. Thane’s was the only door in the direction the arrow pointed. He walked the length of that hall with his heart pounding in his chest until he got to the door marked 602. He stood there, staring. This wasn’t the first time he’d hooked up with somebody, but he was still nervous.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024