Reservations - Page 51

Levi chuckled. “Like anyone down there could compare to you on any level…”

Thane liked the nicely, and hopefully genuinely, uttered compliment. Levi’s repeated rejections had seriously made him begin to question his confidence.

“You think I’m incomparable?” Thane asked, teasing a bit.

Levi’s body tensed, and since Thane seemed tuned to everything Levi Silva, he looked over to see horror spreading across that beautiful face before Levi started to rise, pulling free of Thane’s hold, even when he tightened his grip.

Wait. What just happened?

“Where are you going?” Thane asked, moving faster than he thought possible as he hooked an arm around Levi’s waist, keeping Levi there where he belonged, against his chest. He wanted more serious cuddle time, and since Levi was an instrumental player in his plan, the sweet guy couldn’t leave. Not yet.

“We need to clean up.”

“Not yet. Please. Stay here.” Thane locked his arms around Levi’s waist, holding him there when he started to rise once again. “Tell me more about me being incomparable. I need reassurance.”

Those words were meant to tease, but suddenly it seemed hard for Levi to lighten up. The guy was too young to be so serious all the time. When Levi finally turned back, Thane used both arms and drew him back to a lying position. He angled his body along Levi’s, wrapping his arms and a leg over the guy’s. He couldn’t help himself; he buried his nose in Levi’s hair and inhaled. The fresh clean scent of citrus shampoo was there under the smell of their combined exertions.

“Tell me what just happened that freaked you out,” Thane said quietly, close to Levi’s ear.

“You know you’re gorgeous. No way you don’t know that.”

Thane propped his head on his elbow and looked down at Levi. That soothed his heart, but he didn’t understand how that answered the question.

Thane leaned in, brushed his lips across Levi’s cheek and whispered, “I’m really glad you think I am.” The words were the truth and maybe more telling than he wanted to admit or convey. “I called down to the bar before you got here. They’re open until four and serve their full menu.”

Levi remained silent, lying there looking so beautiful and sated, gazing inquisitively back at him.

“What do you think about going down and having dinner with me?”

That brilliant smile flashed across Levi’s handsome face. “I was trying to decide if that meant you were inviting me or kicking me out.”

“What? No. You said the night. I’m not anywhere close to being finished with you,” Thane said and, this time, leaned all the way in to kiss Levi’s lips.

“So, you’re feeding me to keep my energy up?” Levi asked, lifting a hand to push a stray piece of hair off Thane’s forehead. Levi’s mood was lighter again, very charming, maybe even enchanting with the way Thane’s heart connected to that addicting smile. Right then, he knew, whatever caused Levi Silva to be so serious and remain at a distance, needed to change, and Thane wanted to be the one who changed it.

“Sounds good to me,” Thane teased back, unprepared for the sudden move as Levi pushed up, dislodging him in the process.

“Then let’s go. I’m starving.” Levi was off the bed and heading for the bathroom in seconds flat, and Thane got the unexpected treat of watching Levi strut his naked, sexy ass through the bedroom. He tracked him all the way to the bathroom where unfortunately he disappeared behind the door. Next time, he would insist they have dinner in the room. Maybe he could talk Levi into naked sushi night and he could enjoy sampling fresh sushi off Levi’s perfect body. Yeah, he was so going to suggest it.


Levi tried his best to be casual, roll with whatever came his way, but damn, it was hard to do. He was enjoying himself too much. Thane Walker was everything he had always wanted. All of his dreams coming true in a sexy, sweet package, which made the man dangerous. Levi had to find a way to keep perspective.

This elevator opened to the front of the resort and the nicest lobby Levi had ever seen anywhere, at any time. Thane insisted on letting him go first, although he had zero clue where he was heading. That didn’t seem to matter to either one of them. Thane seemed happy to indulge Levi’s curiosity, following as Levi went toward the magnificent indoor fountain. From there, he went immediately back across the lobby to the series of floor to ceiling paintings that caught his eye. He’d never seen anything like them before.

“The paintings or sculptures, or whatever they are, are incredible,” Levi said, coming to a stop within two feet of the three individual panels, maybe fifteen feet high, mounted to the wall. They were so intricately put together that no space stood alone; the entire design seemed woven together with purpose, and Levi got lost in the colors. “They’re like the ones you have in the club’s office.”

Tags: Kindle Alexander Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024