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“And, we’re paying his rent and easing some of that guy’s burdens. I don’t care if you like that or not,” Julian declared.

Thane instinctively wanted to try to make this hard-headed man understand he didn’t have the authority to make such sweeping decisions, but he held his tongue. Julian had made the right decision; Thane just wished he’d initiated it instead of his outspoken manager.

“Okay. What about the woman who answered the door?”

“I don’t know a lot. I believe his mother died years ago. He doesn’t ever talk about his shit. I only know with certainty that his dad died recently, he came home from med school, and that his brothers are teenagers, but not old enough to support themselves.”

“I saw one. He was early high school age,” Thane said, the kid’s image coming to mind. Losing their father to such a devastating disease… What a horrific experience for all of them. He couldn’t imagine.

“Nice deduction, Sherlock.” That tone had Thane cocking a brow. Julian seriously didn’t know how to read a room.

“Why are you being mean to me? I’ve been good to you,” Thane asked.

“Because you’re being such a prick. What the hell happened to you? I told that guy the best things about you, all in hopes of giving you a shot at normal, Thane. You’re seriously not as fucked up as you think you are.” Julian paused a second, probably for some sort of dramatic effect, then continued. “And you’ve been such a motherfucker for days. You need to get over yourself.”

“I don’t do relationships,” Thane said, sticking to the main problem between him and Levi. “It’s not that I’m dysfunctional. I just don’t like the inevitable end that always comes.”

“You do do relationships. I was in one with you. You took care of me at the worst time in my life. You put me back on my feet. No, we weren’t in love romantically, but you love and care about me, and I love and care for you. And here’s another light bulb moment: get over your parents’ divorce. Man, build a damn bridge and get over your self-made hang-ups.”

A deep exhale escaped Thane’s lips as he absorbed all those well-executed blows.

“You pay for just about everyone in your life, so we’re obligated not to point these truths out. Then your other friends, like those I hear about who live next door, you don’t tell them the finer details of your life. You gotta work on you before you ever try to work things out with Levi.”

Silence ensued for several long moments. Thane could barely wrap his head around all that Julian had just dumped at his feet. He had no idea Julian felt this way. They’d always had a nice time together. Thane stared at the window, watching the snow fall as his mood took a further nose dive. Julian’s words stung; he’d hurt Thane when he was already so low.

“Was any of that designed to hit below the belt? Because you sure seemed to know your mark.”

“Well, I tried for your heart. You know I try to be like freakin’ Mother Teresa, but in a diva kinda way.”

Thane gave a small smile at the America’s Next Top Model reference, a show he and Julian had watched together on occasion. It was just like Julian to slam him, then try to lighten the mood with a joke.

“For the record, I’m not sure I love you,” Thane replied, letting the conversation turn away from his very clear faults. And seriously, backing up the conversation further, how had Julian known he liked guys who looked like Levi? He’d thought he was attentive to his men. He couldn’t ever remember letting something like that out. “Most of the time I want to fire you.”

“Stop sexy-talking me, I’m not sleeping with you,” Julian said then released an audible, heavy sigh before he continued. “I’m sorry if what I said was overly harsh. I knew if you two could get together it was gonna be a struggle, but damn if you two aren’t hardheaded as shit.”

“So, he’s into me?” Thane asked the question he’d wanted an answer to for their entire conversation.

“Yes. He likes you. I knew he would. You’re a good guy and a very attentive lover. Well, at least you used to be. I don’t know this crazy man you’ve become. Are you really sure you have the money to be going around acting like you can buy everyone? And if you do have that kind of money, why the hell didn’t you buy all my time? That measly thousand dollar monthly stipend you gave me didn’t pay for jack,” Julian quipped, back to all sass and attitude.

Thane barked out a laugh at the money crack. Julian didn’t get out of bed in the morning for a mere thousand dollars. “Talking to you’s like playing verbal volleyball. My God, focus, Julian,” Thane said. Every time he got to a subject where his heart needed some sort of validation, Julian segued in a different direction.

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