Reservations - Page 97

“I’m leaving in the early morning hours.”

“What’s going on?” Julian asked with all of his normal attitude, and right when Thane started to speak, Julian lifted a single finger to Thane’s face, stopping him. “Don’t you say I work for you. I’m past tired of hearing that.”

He’d prepared for this conversation with Julian, came up with the perfect excuse for showing up unannounced when he’d promised to stay away. So, Thane cocked a critical brow, paused for dramatic effect that seemed wasted on Julian, and continued speaking. “The expansion’s been approved. We’re moving forward. You’re going to play a bigger role in the company. We need you to keep all the sites running at this level.”

“And you could have told me that on the phone,” Julian replied.

Thane gave an exasperated sigh, throwing his hands in the air as he started to turn away. He’d just told Julian how important he was to the company, something the man kept trying to get Thane to see for almost a year now, and Julian didn’t seem the least bit interested in the praise, or the possible promotion, or even the raise he’d be getting. What a frustrating, bull-headed man Julian had turned out to be. Thane turned back, squaring off with Julian, propping his hands on his hips as he just glared at Julian who mockingly shook his head in a so-what attitude and stared right back at him.

A full minute passed before Thane rolled his eyes. “Okay, you win. I’m into him and I needed to see him,” Thane confessed quietly, folding his arms over his chest. The lights flashed, turning the room several colors as he stared at Julian’s face, waiting for whatever snarky answer was to come.

“I’m glad you finally decided to quit being an ass and open yourself up.” Julian patted his chest before again lifting a finger and pointing it in his face. “Don’t fuck this chance up, and for God’s sake, don’t be a dick.”

All Thane could do was grin and shake his head. Julian was something else. Thane pulled the silk tie completely free of his collar, and hung the length of material over Julian’s shoulder. “I’m leaving in about ten hours, but I gotta start somewhere.”

Julian nodded and turned his head. Thane followed the direction his manager’s attention had drifted to. His heart dropped to his stomach when he spotted Levi frowning, ignoring him as he carried chairs across the room. “He’s ignoring you on purpose. He was happy when he got here. He and Chase were joking around, but he’s shut down again. I’ve learned that means he’s nervous, unsure of himself.”

“Hmmm…” Thane considered that revelation for a moment. He felt exactly the same way, and he gave a prayer, hoping Levi had meant his words and intended to at least speak to him tonight. Thane began rolling up each shirtsleeve as he rounded behind Julian and headed toward the bar for a drink. He needed liquid courage.

“Hey, let’s talk about the raise I’m gonna get,” Julian said, trailing behind him.

Thane barked out a laugh, looking back over his shoulder. Levi caught his eye, standing as still as a statue while staring intently at him. Thane’s gaze hung on every detail of the other man’s face as Levi boldly assessed him in return. God, he hoped that meant he planned to make some sort of move soon. Without taking his eyes off Levi, Thane finally said to Julian, “It’s a pay decrease, but one hell of a title.”

“Yeah, that’s not gonna cut it for me.” Julian’s hands came to rest on Thane’s shoulders guiding him to the left seconds before he would have collided with a barstool.

“Ricco,” Julian called out then pointed a finger at Thane. He got the nod, and the guy started fixing his drink. “I’ve got to run over to the restaurant. The front end—”

“Just stop,” Thane said, turning his full attention back to Julian. “Don’t tell me until tomorrow. Give me one peaceful night, Julian. Please.”

The laugh he got from Julian didn’t help settle his soul on whatever Julian had done this time. Instead of dwelling on that, he grabbed a stool and took his drink. “Keep ’em coming.”


Levi stood with his arms crossed over his chest, his tray in one fist, staring at his two tables or what should be his tables because the club was packed tight—standing room only. He’d stayed crazy busy all night, too busy, but now they were loaded full of waiters. It eased some of the burden, probably because the customers were all drunk and the show had finally started. The place was hopping, even his regulars were up dancing and singing with the musical acts.

Usually, Levi would be content to stand back and keep an eye on things. Not tonight. Like he’d done a million times already, he cut his gaze sideways in Thane’s direction and was immediately hit with the need to be near the man. Like every other time tonight, the guy was watching him. Always watching. Even in the darkly lit club, he felt those whisky-colored eyes boring into him.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024