Reservations - Page 101

“Talking’s the last thing we need to do.” Levi took a couple of steps backward. “It’s when we talk that everything gets messed up.” Levi quickly turned away and ducked back through the curtain. He had to get away from Thane before he caved. He grabbed his tray off the edge of the bar and left the area, going straight for his tables, losing himself in the crowd in case Thane tried to follow.

Chapter 18

There was no doubt about it, Thane loved Levi. He did. He was in love with Levi Silva. His heart began to pound as the thought gripped him, taking hold, not letting him go. Thane banged his forehead on the mirrored glass of the office window overlooking the club. He’d fallen in love with a medical student raising two teenage brothers.

Oh Lord, how had this happened? He’d been so firm, so set that relationships sucked and always ended horribly. Yet all he could do was imagine building a life with the smart, stubborn man who had stolen his heart.

Out of every man Thane had ever known, Levi would probably be the least likely one he’d see himself aligning with. Levi had boundaries. He lived by a ton of rules that all had a moral foundation. His integrity reached heights Thane couldn’t even actually understand. Levi’s conduct code rivaled even the Pope’s… Well, if the Pope could fuck like a porn star. The crass thought had Thane smiling to himself.

He dropped his head against the cool glass, leaving his forehead pressed there. Thane’s heart wanted him to tie himself down to a man with domestic responsibilities. Those obligations would have to be considered in everything they did. Levi couldn’t just jet off to whatever restaurant opening Thane had scheduled or mandatory event he had to attend. Thane sighed, a deep heavy exhale of breath, and closed his eyes, forcing himself to take a step backward. He was putting the cart before the horse. Levi wasn’t interested in getting serious with someone as fucked up as he was. He’d even said as much.

This whole situation drove him absolutely crazy. His emotions ran wild, his thoughts were all over the place, now taking him back to the mind-blowing sex they’d just shared. Levi instinctively knew exactly how to please him from the very first roll of his hips, making Thane have to work hard to fight off his release. Levi made him crave more.

And dammit, Thane had misled Levi again. This lying shit—he was on serious foreign ground there. He didn’t lie, but when Levi resisted for fear of losing his job, Thane had easily uttered those misleading words. People have sex in the club all the time.

No, they didn’t. At least not that he was aware of. He’d had to fire and pull memberships on some of the men in the first few months they’d been open. Even more alarming was that now he’d given the idea to Levi. The possibility of Levi fucking someone other than him inside this club seized his heart. The thought of Levi with anyone…period…

Unexpected jealousy spiked and a sneer formed on his face as he balled up his fist tightly. Where the hell had that come from? It wasn’t like him to be so possessive. He was losing it, and if he wasn’t careful, he would mess up again.

What the hell was he doing? Standing in an empty office, thinking about raising Levi’s brothers and wanting to promise exclusivity to a man who wouldn’t even consider the idea of spending real time alone with him. Yeah, he was crazy.

Frustrated with the whole situation, Thane stalked across the office for the silk tie folded neatly on the desk. He was out of there. He shouldn’t have even come. Flying five hours for nothing more than a hookup… That was ridiculous. Still more proof that Levi had him all mixed up.

Thane trotted down the steps, deciding the airport would be a better place to wait. He refused to allow himself one last look at Levi. He fought the need all the way out the front door before he pivoted around. He couldn’t resist that final brief glance, then he was gone. He had his work cut out for him. He just had to get a hold of himself.


The end of his shift couldn’t have come fast enough. All these freaking emotions ricocheting around in his brain were absolute ball busters, dragging him through all the highs and lows. How could he have possibly gone from happily looking forward to life with his brothers in Maryland to ready to rip out someone’s throat in a matter of a few hours?

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t shut out the connection being with Thane stirred. He and Thane were never going to be a one-and-done kind of deal. Sex with Thane mattered, at least for Levi, and that had to be considered in any future hookups. He’d always have to hide his true feelings, and that was getting harder and harder to do.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024