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Thane stepped closer to Levi, close enough he could feel the heat of Levi’s back. “I’m attracted to you, Levi. You’re so special and don’t even realize it. You have integrity down to a science. You’re loyal, smart, handsome, and funny. Well, not real funny tonight, but I’ve witnessed it, so I know it’s in there. You’re damn near perfect.”

“This isn’t a joke, Thane,” Levi countered, turning toward him. The move put them almost chest to chest. The ice cream in Levi’s hand dripped down the side of the cone and rolled seemingly unnoticed over his fingers. Thane didn’t feel any anger reflected toward him, just that pent-up intensity that was all Levi Silva.

“I know.” From the corner of his eye, he spotted Levi’s brothers and cocked his head in their direction. “They’re on the move. Wanna trail?”

Levi reluctantly turned away, checked out the scene, nodded, and started in their direction at a much slower pace. Thane followed.

“We’re moving across country,” Levi blurted after they’d taken several steps in silence.

That statement had to mean Levi was considering the idea of their dating if he’d started outlining all the roadblocks that lay between them. Thane took that as a good sign. “Not for a while though. So, it’ll give us time to explore whatever this is between us.” Thane shoved the bundle of napkins in Levi’s hand. “Eat your ice cream. It’s all over your hand. It’s too good to waste.” Thane looked around, scanning the crowd filling the street. “I can’t believe this is within walking distance of the resort and I’ve never been here.”

Levi took the napkins and adjusted his course, going for another trashcan. He tossed the ice cream away and began cleaning his hand. “I don’t know, Thane.”

“Yes, you do. We’re good together. Hell, we’re better than that, we’re incendiary. I’m so attracted to you.” Thane took the few steps, closing the distance between them. Levi held his ground. He didn’t retreat as Thane came within inches of him. “This chemistry we have together doesn’t just happen. It’s rare and you know that.”

As they stared at one another, Thane held his breath in anticipation. Levi’s phone began to ring. On the third ring, he tore his gaze away and pulled the cell from his pocket, answering with a swipe of the thumb. Thane could only hear one side of the conversation, but Levi turned, looking over his shoulder toward his brothers. Logan was across the street, staring at him.

“Luke, too?” Levi asked. Levi glanced back at Thane then back at the boys. “I think Luke needs to be in at a certain time. Dad wouldn’t let him stay out past midnight.”

Thane smiled and took another bite of his melted ice cream before moving the step or two to dump his bowl in the trash. Luckily, he’d grabbed some wet wipes and fished those packets out of his front pocket.

“Okay, well, one o’clock then. I can leave the car for you and Uber home. Remember to jiggle the ignition to get it started,” Levi said. When Levi lowered the cell, Thane handed a wipe over. The guy’s hand had to be sticky.

“What’s going on?” Thane heard footsteps and saw Logan jogging up behind him.

“They’re staying with the guys. I’m gonna catch a ride home,” Levi explained, using the wipe to clean his hand.

“Thanks again for dinner and the ice cream,” Logan said to Thane, extending his hand to his brother for the keys. The car keys were placed in his palm, and Levi brushed passed Thane to throw the wipe away.

“Thanks for this evening. I had a great time with everyone,” Thane said.

Logan nodded. Clearly, he was ready to get back to his friends. He offered a well-mannered, quick-stated good night and was off running back to the group. Thane waved at Luke and Alison who had remained across the street. Both lifted their hands.

“Come back to the hotel with me,” Thane said before ever turning back to Levi.

“Thane, I can’t.”

“Sure, you can,” Thane responded immediately. Absolutely Levi could. Nothing was holding the man back except for his own hardheadedness. “We have three and half hours before they have to be home. Come with me. It’s a ten-minute walk,” he explained, hooking a thumb over his shoulder in the general area of the resort.

“This isn’t a good idea,” Levi said and took a step backward, creating distance.

“It’s a great idea. I can even drive you home so you don’t have to hire an Uber,” Thane offered and that had Levi taking another two steps backward.

“No. You’re not driving me home.” Levi’s tone was final. He frustratingly threw his hands in the air and turned, bumping into a couple walking past them. He gave a quick word of apology and moved ten or so steps away until he turned back to Thane and stared at him from across the walkway. Thane got the feeling he’d be doing this a lot with Levi if he ever managed a relationship. He always felt a step or two behind in whatever was going on in that gorgeous head of his.

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